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Sandpoint, An Open-Caring Community!

Let’s promote gun safety in N. Idaho with a new motto, "Sandpoint, An Open-Caring Community!"


Sandpoint, An Open-Caring Community!

It’s a strange day when Sandpoint’s mayor, Mr. Rognstad inadvertently becomes a promoter of carrying rifles downtown. He denounced legally armed citizens for their effort to show support for the local economy and business community. The mayor, who aligns himself with the radical left “N. Idaho Women” hate group has taken virtue signaling to a new level with his recent proclamation. Mr. Rognstad is fostering division as an activist acting as a mayor. As a result of his goading, those who would never think of carrying an AR-15 down the streets of Sandpoint are rallying to start doing that regularly.

For tactical reasons I don’t open carry. Honestly, I don’t wish to carry an AR-15 down the streets of Sandpoint, but I encourage people to exercise the freedoms the mayor and his minions would wish to take away. Let’s promote gun safety in N. Idaho with a new motto, “Sandpoint, An Open-Caring Community!” In spite of Mr. Rognstad, the community can improve the reputation of Sandpoint because the message of hate has no place here, all are welcome.

Thomas Leo
Cocolalla, ID

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