Internet of Everything
Internet of Everything By Karen Schumacher Internet of Things (IoT) is basically a world of devices connected through the internet with most people using some form of this technology. But IoT is not the end [Read More]
Internet of Everything By Karen Schumacher Internet of Things (IoT) is basically a world of devices connected through the internet with most people using some form of this technology. But IoT is not the end [Read More]
The Invasion Continues (And Future Consequences Are Coming) By Pete Ketcham There are numerous devastating policies and actions the Democrats have enacted that are destroying this God-fearing constitutional nation. Some of these policies and actions [Read More]
Answering the Critics By Brent Regan, Chairman KCRCC There is a coordinated statewide effort to destroy the Idaho Conservative Grassroots Movement from the inside and turn Idaho blue. A gang of Boise political consultants calling themselves [Read More]
The Blanchard Town Hall [print-me/]
What About A State Bank? By Karen Schumacher Doom and gloom messages of a financial apocalypse across the world continue, with many questions as what can be done about it. Most certainly, this federal administration [Read More]
Is Trump Winning? (Or Are The Democrats?) By Pete Ketcham Many MAGA supporters, advisors, conservative commentators, etc. believe that Trump is enjoying the publicity his trial appearances are creating, but that may not continue as [Read More]
Shut Up! By Brent Regan, Chairman KCRCC “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” George Orwell ‘Faith, family and freedom loving conservative Republicans need to shut up and go away.’ [Read More]
Nullification By Karen Schumacher Much has been written about the difficulties that are in abundance throughout America, but often there are few concrete solutions offered that can be instituted for correction. Taking a look at [Read More]
Get Dorothy Moon By Brent Regan, Chairman KCRCC Since the moment of Dorothy Moon’s landslide victory at the 2022 Idaho State Convention, former chairman Tom Luna, his unhinged sidekick Trent Clark and fellow travelers have been [Read More]
The Battle of Bunkerville, 10 Years Later by Shari Dovale The Battle of Bunkerville began a journey for many Americans. A journey of awakening as to the what their country has become. Government abuse of it’s [Read More]
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