The Obama Curse
The Obama Curse Wild Bill for America The Family Redoubt [print-me/]
The Obama Curse Wild Bill for America The Family Redoubt [print-me/]
Stop the Biden/McCarthy Debt Ceiling Deal by the Idaho Freedom Caucus The Idaho Freedom Caucus stands with the House Freedom Caucus in opposing the Debt Ceiling Deal and urges ALL Republicans to stand together and vote [Read More]
CommissionMen Not Hiding Their Disrespect by Shari Dovale The Bonner County Commissioner (BOCC) Meeting of May 30th heated up again, with the 2 CommissionMEN belittling the public and their fellow female commissioner, as usual. And again, [Read More]
The Black Robe Regiment Are There Pastors Ready To Stand? By Bob Shillingstad “Great Awakenings” or revivals in history are a fascinating study and when you look at the history of America they are of [Read More]
Rein in the FBI: Put an End to the FBI’s Gestapo Tactics By John W. Whitehead Power corrupts. We know this. In fact, we know this from experience learned the hard way at the hands of [Read More]
Propaganda, Indoctrination, And Demonetization By Pete Ketcham INTRODUCTION Propaganda, indoctrination, and demonetization were the three main issues that Hitler and the Nazis used to induce the German people to follow him and the Nazi Party into [Read More]
Homeschooling is Key to Preserving Liberty by Ron Paul The most recent release from the federally funded Nation’s Report Card shows that 40 percent of eighth graders lack even a basic understanding of US history, while [Read More]
The History of Memorial Day By Mike Huckabee Once a year, on the last Monday in May, we set aside a day to honor our fellow Americans who made the greatest of all sacrifices so that the rest [Read More]
Have You Seen This at Home Depot? If not, it has probably seen you. by Karen Schumacher Home Depot (HD) is a global home improvement retail corporation that was founded in 1978, having revenues in the [Read More]
Assassins Vs. Apostles A Recap of the Election By Bob Shillingstad There are going to be a number of post elections critics and analysts with their opinion of who won and who lost and why. [Read More]
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