The Tax And Spend Democrats
The Tax And Spend Democrats The tax and spend Democrats, their secret allies here in North Idaho, and their big corporate allies down in Boise are at it again. They’re spending a lot of money [Read More]
The Tax And Spend Democrats The tax and spend Democrats, their secret allies here in North Idaho, and their big corporate allies down in Boise are at it again. They’re spending a lot of money [Read More]
Meme Them, Mock Them By Matt Keener A leftist ideology may rule classrooms, campuses, cable news, and social media censorship. But, as we’ve seen with the migrant “crisis” in Martha’s Vineyard, the Left has no [Read More]
King Charles III is Now the West’s Highest Ranking Agent for the Global Islamic Movement by John D. Guandolo In an opinion piece published in The Washington Post on September 19th entitled “Why King Charles [Read More]
If Trump is so Bad, Why do They Keep Faking Evidence? By Mike Huckabee You’d think that if there really were evidence tying President Trump and “MAGA” Republicans to criminal behavior, the Democrats wouldn’t have [Read More]
Smashing The Nation By Pete Ketcham The following fictional scenario is depicting what is happening to our constitutional nation today . There is a beautiful mansion that has been invaded by four individuals with massive [Read More]
In Light of 9/11, Why does the Dar al Hijrah Mosque Still Exist? by John D. Guandolo The Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center, just outside Washington, D.C., is a beehive of activity for terrorism, and [Read More]
From God’s Wisdom To Hell’s Insanity By Pete Ketcham From the wisdom of the past, to the insanity of the present, our nation has traveled a path that many could not have imagined 60 or [Read More]
Is More Money The Answer For Education’s Problems? By Bob Shillingstad We have seen education come to the forefront in Idaho’s political debate. First, with the passage of additional mill levies and bond issues. Second, [Read More]
Are You Ready For Societal Winter? By James Wesley, Rawles Many of you reading this are ready for winter, both literally and figuratively. Your firewood is stacked and your kindling is split. Your barn is [Read More]
Europe Commits Suicide-by-Sanctions by Ron Paul A Swiss billboard is making the rounds on social media depicting a young woman on the telephone. The caption reads, “Does the neighbor heat the apartment to over 19 [Read More]
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