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Redoubt News is a news and opinion online publication featuring the Christian conservative culture around, and important to, the American Redoubt. The goal of Redoubt News is to inform and educate citizens on important news stories from a perspective of individual liberty.

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Here we are: The News for the American Redoubt!

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3 Comments on About

  1. In speaking directly by phone with Dwight Hammond today, 30 Jan 2024, he tells me he expected to get his grazing permits back when he was pardoned, but that didn’t happen under the Trump administration, despite the pardon. Now the Biden administration is holding them up in paper work.

    The Hammonds originally had 4 grazing allotments, totally 27,045 acres. They continue to ranch on their 12 thousand plus acres of private land, hoping some day to get their grazing allotments returned.

  2. Looking for information on acquiring a copy of the video on DVD of the Liberty State Gala in May 2019. I was an attendee, and am Asotin County Co-Captain for our local Liberty State group. Would like to use the video as updated info. for presentations to interested individuals at group functions. Please advise if video available for purchase or otherwise. Thank you for your attention in this matter.

  3. I’m always interested in getting a balanced perspective that has the documented backing to verify that it isn’t opinion, but factual information. I will look forward to what you see to keep properly informed.

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