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Idaho Republican Party Throw the Voters Under the Bus
Brent Regan

Uniform Fairness

December 28, 2023 2

Uniform Fairness By Brent Regan, Chairman KCRCC Imagine your child plays on their school’s Little League baseball team. You bought them their uniform and glove. You take them to practice. You attend all their games and [Read More]

city Sandpoint’s Activist mayor shelby rognstad no salute to flag
Letters to the Editor

To Sandpoint City Council

May 3, 2023 1

To Sandpoint City Council Persons, Responding to Shelby’s latest, and many previous attacks, many people are angry. To be clear from the start, Karen and I see that anger is expensive and rarely buys us [Read More]

Bonner County

The Bonner County Clown Show

March 8, 2023 6

The Bonner County Clown Show by Shari Dovale Chairman Steven Bradshaw and his apple-polishing Vice-Chair Benjamin “Luke” Omodt in tandem are running the county into the ground with their shenanigans. Every week will find these [Read More]

Spencer Hutchings: Follow The Money

Spencer Hutchings: Follow The Money

April 27, 2022 0

Follow The Money By Spencer Hutchings The truth is what good people rely on to make the correct decisions that influence their lives. We all want the truth to help guide our life decisions, but [Read More]

Just Say No To Shelby Rognstad

Just Say No To Shelby Rognstad

March 9, 2022 5

Just Say No To Shelby Rognstad The following article is in response to a Shelby Rognstad Facebook post, Sandpoint Daily Bee article written by Rognstad, and remarks Rognstad made at a recent Mayoral Round-Table discussion. [Read More]

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