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Agenda 21/2030

Catastrophic Control With Digital Identity

December 31, 2022 0

Catastrophic Control With Digital Identity by Karen Schumacher If digital identity is difficult to understand, just look at that phone sitting on the counter. These phones hold the potential for your survival. Not only are [Read More]


Ham Radio Banned and Non-Permissive Enviro Part-5

December 31, 2022 2

Episode 22-42 Ham Radio Banned and Non-Permissive Enviro Part-5   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving [Read More]

Your Jet-Setting RINO Rep. Sage Dixon

Your Jet-Setting RINO Rep. Sage Dixon

December 31, 2022 0

Your Jet-Setting RINO Rep. Sage Dixon by Shari Dovale Again, we find Idaho Representative Sage Dixon jet-setting around the globe. Here he is a couple of weeks ago, back in Germany and meeting with officials [Read More]

America, The World Leader

America, The World Leader

December 31, 2022 0

America, The World Leader ( In Illogical And Degenerate Issues) By Pete Ketcham There was a time, just after WW2 when the United states was looked upon as the true world leader in military strength, economic [Read More]

Agenda 21/2030

Fire Safety or Government Overreach?

December 28, 2022 1

Fire Safety or Government Overreach? By Terry Noonkester Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum has summed up recent legislation as a socialist agenda that could result in “you will own nothing, and be happy.” This bill [Read More]

Agenda 21/2030

The Joke Is On Them

December 27, 2022 0

The Joke Is On Them by Karen Schumacher Across America people are at each other’s throats, divided, with what appears to be little hope of coming together on the importance of retaining a bonded society.  [Read More]

Obituary for the GOP
Agenda 21/2030

Obituary for the GOP

December 27, 2022 1

Obituary for the GOP By Scott Lively Originally Published : WND News Center WASHINGTON – The Republican Party Dies of AIDS (Acquired Infatuation with the Death-style of Sodomy). After a long and painful struggle with [Read More]


The Source Of The Sewage

December 27, 2022 0

The Source Of The Sewage By Pete Ketcham The following is a mythical scenario relating to what has been happening in our nation for years, it goes as follows: A pleasant neighborhood street started to [Read More]

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