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Editing The Truth

December 29, 2023 0

Editing The Truth By Karen Schumacher As everyone learns about the backdoor deals made by the government on censorship over the last several years, there are promises of more censorship that loom in the future [Read More]

Bonner County CommissionMEN and CameraGATE
Bonner County

Bonner County CommissionMEN and CameraGATE

December 28, 2023 1

Bonner County CommissionMEN and CameraGATE by Shari Dovale Some weeks ago, Commissioners Omodt and Bradshaw threw hissy fits like little school girls over a Sheriff’s Deputy attending their meetings with his required body camera. They did [Read More]

Bonner County

Omodt & Herndon Claim To Advocate For 1A Rights

December 28, 2023 2

Omodt & Herndon Claim To Advocate For 1A Rights BOCC Chairman Omodt claims to be an advocate of First Amendment rights, yet his recent meeting rules, suspended public comment and his overused “recesses” prove otherwise. [Read More]

Idaho Republican Party Throw the Voters Under the Bus
Brent Regan

Uniform Fairness

December 28, 2023 2

Uniform Fairness By Brent Regan, Chairman KCRCC Imagine your child plays on their school’s Little League baseball team. You bought them their uniform and glove. You take them to practice. You attend all their games and [Read More]


The Coming Crises

December 28, 2023 0

The Coming Crises (No One Is Predicting) By Pete Ketcham Most people are aware of the ongoing southern border crises (except Joe Biden), and are hoping there is a solution soon, but many people do [Read More]

And So This Is Christmas!

And So This Is Christmas!

December 25, 2023 0

And So This Is Christmas! by Joseph Farah I used to believe the first Christmas really took place on this date. Forget about the fact that they used a different calendar is Israel, I still [Read More]


Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2023 0

Merry Christmas! On February 29, 1892, The Supreme Court declared (in Holy Trinity v. United States) that the historical record of America overwhelmingly demonstrated that the United States “… is a Christian nation.“ The Birth [Read More]

wisdom hate
Brent Regan

Monetizing Hate

December 23, 2023 0

Monetizing Hate By Brent Regan, Chairman KCRCC Rudyard Kipling’s classic poem “If” begins: “If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself [Read More]

What is Luke Omodt Hiding?
Bonner County

What is Luke Omodt Hiding?

December 23, 2023 3

What is Luke Omodt Hiding? by Shari Dovale The Bonner County Fair is continuing to be a thorn in the Bonner County Commissioner’s proverbial side. It is well know that (alleged) fraud was reported many, many [Read More]

Brent Regan

The Freedom of Lie

December 23, 2023 0

The Freedom of Lie By Brent Regan, Chairman KCRCC The freedom of speech is dead. It has been for a while. If you doubt this, try saying something that is against the progressive woke narrative. The [Read More]

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