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Federal Government Stands Down on Campgrounds

Bureau Of Reclamation Officials Back Down In Montana

Bureau of Reclamation Canyon Ferry Office

Federal Government Stands Down

By Tim Ravndal

Canyon Ferry Lake was created by the dam located on the Missouri River between Helena and Townsend Montana.  The reservoir created is a nationally recognized recreation destination in Montana since the mid 1950’s.

The establishment and management of several official campgrounds around the reservoir were created and managed by Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) officials.  The campgrounds were named referencing geographic and historic activities that are a specific part of Montana’s history.

From behind the curtain BOR began a process of changing the names of popular campgrounds around the lake.  The action raised the hackles on citizens across America.  It was claimed that there are a few anonymous complaints alleging racism is implied by the names of the campgrounds.

Without public notice, BOR initiated a change in the names of two campgrounds on the east side of the lake.

The first campground was originally named recognizing an encampment of Chinese immigrant miners along the Missouri River.  Active fueling of racial division by the main stream media, BOR decided to change the name of Chinamen’s Bay campground.   BOR temporarily decided to rename the site “Campground 1”.  When the public discovered the sign covered with duct tape outrage was triggered across Montana.

Confederate Sign Covered

The second campground was established under the name of a world famous creek where before Montana was a state one of the richest gold discoveries was located in Broadwater County.  Confederate Gulch Campground was named after 2 soldiers that came west and struck one of the richest gold deposits in America.  The discovery brought forward the world famous Diamond City.

Upon learning about the action initiated by BOR and the process of how they reached a decision to change the names, it was decided where the order came from and by who needed to be investigated.  With Independence Day only a day away, significance of the action by BOR hit home here in the American Redoubt.

Redoubt News-Montana investigative journalist Tim Ravndal who lives in Broadwater County decided to inquire with all local management officials and found closed doors at every turn.

Mr. Ravndal then took action on his own as a citizen and removed the tape placed by BOR employees.  The tape was placed covering the names of the historic sites.  He then shared his video of his action that triggered a firestorm against BOR.

The video reached over seventy thousand on Facebook bringing citizens across Montana to their feet calling foul against BOR.

Continuing to seek the origin of the order Mr. Ravndal started up the ladder seeking a direct response from an official of BOR.  Broadwater County officials were given no notice and all official offices are closed to the public due to the Covid-19 debacle.

Calling and leaving messages to multiple offices and sending inquires via email, the silence was deafening until today July 8th, 2020.  Regional Director of BOR, Brent Esplin gave a press release to the people of Montana that the decision to abandon the name change has been made.

In this response, the actual identification of who ordered the action and/or under what authority that order was given to change the names remains a mystery.  When we look at the chain of command in BOR it leads up to the Commissioner Brenda Burman

On June 26, 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Brenda Burman to serve as Commissioner of the United States Bureau of Reclamation. She was confirmed by the United States Senate on November 16, 2017.

From there the responsibility to the people leads to the Secretary of Interior David Burnhardt.  At that point there leaves one more official above there that the order could have come from and that is President Donald J. Trump.

We heard the resounding smackdown from President Trump at his Independence Day address from Mount Rushmore.  Mr. Trump declared that his administration will not stand by while domestic terrorists destroy or try to remove American history.

Because we are still not getting all the facts from officials with the bureau, we will continue to make official requests for the public information from the officials in charge.

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1 Comment on Federal Government Stands Down on Campgrounds

  1. Great work Mr Ravndal !….The pen IS mightier than the sword !…It seems that the dempanic hasn’t stopped these agents of empire from behaving in a cavalier and arbitrary manner..As Ammon has said, sunlight is the best disinfectant..

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