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Enviros Lose to Sheep Ranchers in Court

Enviros Lose to Sheep Ranchers in Court

July 26, 2019 4

Environmentalists Lose to Sheep Ranchers in Court By Tim Ravndal Since Statehood, there has been a long standing debate over sheep ranching v. cattle ranching.  Sheep have grazed on the upper slopes of the Gravely [Read More]

Analysis Paralysis May Be Put To Rest

Analysis Paralysis May Be Put To Rest

July 24, 2019 0

Analysis Paralysis May Be Put To Rest By Tim Ravndal The U.S. Forest Service is taking a look at revising a federal law that opened the door to environmentalism.  The current law that requires a [Read More]

America from a College Student’s Perspective

America from a College Student’s Perspective

July 23, 2019 0

America from a College Student’s Perspective By Carissa Lonzisero Being shouted down for expressing your views, being afraid to speak for fear of retaliation for not agreeing with the political or social narrative. This is [Read More]

Broadwater Officials Challenged On Open Meeting Laws
Broadwater County

Broadwater Officials Challenged On Open Meeting Laws

July 23, 2019 0

Broadwater County Officials Challenged On Open Meeting Laws By Tim Ravndal Broadwater County officials have been asked multiple times by local citizens for more transparency and accountability.  Citizens have been seeking transparency but the county [Read More]

patriot radio vallely loudon

Patriot Radio – John Guandolo – Understanding the Threat

July 23, 2019 0

Matt Shea’s Patriot Radio John Guandolo – Understanding the Threat   July 9, 2019 Matt Shea’s Patriot Radio John Guandolo is the Founder of, an organization dedicated to providing strategic and operational threat-focused consultation, education, [Read More]

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