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Letters to the Editor

Mayor Sees Nothing Wrong With BLM

June 30, 2020 0

Mayor Sees Nothing Wrong With BLM It’s time the curtain is lifted on what Black Lives Matter is about, specifically for the group of naïve young people who felt compelled to hold a rally in [Read More]

KrisAnne Hall She Is A Self-Avowed Constitutionalist!

OMG! She Is A Self-Avowed Constitutionalist!

November 22, 2019 1

OMG! She Is A Self-Avowed Constitutionalist! by Shari Dovale If you listen closely, you might actually hear the Liberal heads explode, as they went bonkers over KrisAnne Hall coming to Wenatchee to speak to the [Read More]


The Socialist Left Are Using Our Strategy

July 2, 2018 2

The Socialist Left Are Using Our Strategy by Pete Ketcham Last Saturday I drove down a major street in Medford, Oregon, and was surprised and somewhat shocked at what I saw. There were at least [Read More]

Bonner County

Democrats: A Purpose Without A Party

April 17, 2018 0

Democrats: A Purpose Without A Party Opinion/Editorial by Jim Boyer Voters should learn to look past the screen of deception to recognize what the new democrat party is really about, what it stands for and [Read More]