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OMG! She Is A Self-Avowed Constitutionalist!

Liberal epiphanies over a sad little protest of 6 democrats.

KrisAnne Hall She Is A Self-Avowed Constitutionalist!
KrisAnne Hall, Educator & Speaker

OMG! She Is A Self-Avowed Constitutionalist!

by Shari Dovale

If you listen closely, you might actually hear the Liberal heads explode, as they went bonkers over KrisAnne Hall coming to Wenatchee to speak to the Farm Bureau.

The left-leaning Wenatchee World newspaper had their staff writer on the Environment write up all the liberal talking points over the rally held to protest Hall talking about property tights. As if the headline did not get the message across, Speaker with right-wing ties speaks to Washington Farm Bureau:

Six protesters stood outside the convention center on Wednesday to protest Hall speaking there. The protesters were with a variety of groups, including Indivisible Wenatchee, and wanted to express concern about Hall’s viewpoints, said Suellen Harris, chairwoman with the 12th Legislative District Democrats.

I just think that people who are coming to this meeting are unaware of who she is,” Harris said. “She is a self-avowed constitutionalist. She says that’s what she does.”

Of course the Constitution scares the beejeezus out of the Liberal Left. They are trying desperately to make it a dirty word that should be punishable for offending them.They would probably get more accomplished if they would just just run back to their safe spaces to finish watching Chris Cuomo try to talk to his mother.

In addition to citing SPLC as a source (which should tell the educated person quite enough already) the reader is expected to get flustered over the conservative stance on illegal immigration:

Harris said immigration activists alerted local groups about Hall, because of Hall’s views on immigration, which are aligned with the Trump Administration’s stance.

Oh, the Horror! Someone who agrees with President Trump! We absolutely cannot have that in Washington State!

Just make sure you do not remind anyone that 63 million people voted for Trump in the 2016 election. No one is supposed to think about that, right?

These little distractions did not keep the discussion on property rights from being held. The Washington Farm Bureau heard every word. The SIX Democrats in their sad little protest  were not effective at all.

Oh, the Horror!


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1 Comment on OMG! She Is A Self-Avowed Constitutionalist!

  1. The simple fact that they stood outside to protest the free speech of someone, rather that to go inside and speak themselves in a rational manner, says about all that needs to be said.

    When you can’t win the argument, you shut down the opposition.

    Public meetings like the Farm Bureau are open to public comment. That means anyone can comment and make their argument for the public and the bureau/board. But no…the left cannot win in on the battlefield of ideas, so they instead try to shut everyone up with intimidation and violence.

    Thank you KrisAnne for having the courage to speak, and to you Shari for having the courage to cover the event.

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