The Coming Chaos
By Pete Ketcham
It would be preferable to look forward to positive future national events, but reality prevails, and thus it becomes evident that Biden and the Democrats by their evil, illogical, and corrupt policies are now bringing about the possibilities of the following chaotic events;
Terrorist Attacks
It is logical to assume that within the millions of military aged men entering the country through the southern border, there are hundreds of trained dedicated terrorists from countries hostile to the US. This can result in mass killings at events similar to what recently happened in Russia, and there could also be attacks on power grids, utility companies, federal/state facilities, and other targets of opportunity.
Increased Gang Violence
The Democrat open border policy is allowing Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, and other countries to empty their prisons of gang members, criminals, and send them to the US. These gang members and criminals will organize within the US and significantly increase national crime. This is already happening in some of the larger Democrat controlled cities.
The End Of Immigrant Benefits
At present millions of illegal immigrants are receiving free food, free housing, free medical care, free schools, free transportation, police protection, and other benefits, all of which is provided by the legal tax paying citizens. These benefits run into a national cost of billions and cannot be maintained indefinitely. When these benefit funds are finally exhausted, many of these illegal immigrants who do not speak english, have no skills, and have no jobs, will have no choice but to turn to crime in order to survive.
Disastrous “Climate Change” Results
The absolute illogical policies of Biden and the Democrats destroying reliable efficient power producing dams and power plants, and spending billions erecting inefficient intermittent power producing windmills and solar farms will result in a national power shortage. They are also mandating that all citizens drive EV’s and are setting impossible emission standards. These EV and emission standards have absolutely no bases in reality, and are already negatively impacting the nation.
2024 Presidential Election Chaos
The nation is as divided now as it was during the Civil War. The God-fearing Republicans and the godless Democrats are diametrically opposed on almost every issue, and are seldom able to reach any type of policy compromise. Thus it seems pretty certain that the losing party of the upcoming 2024 presidential election will not accept the election results. There could be nationwide demonstrations & riots by the voters of the losing party, and counter-demonstrations by the voters of the winning party, resulting in national chaos.
Even though the possibility of forthcoming chaotic events paints a grim picture, the christian community should not be discouraged in their fight to return the nation back under God’s direction and protection. It is better to have knowledge of the potential chaos that may be coming, than to be surprised and unprepared when it happens.
Lastly, it is acknowledge that this fight for the heart of the nation by the Christians will be extremely difficult, and can only be won with the help of God.
The GOP is no more God fearing than the Democrats, and have done nothing to solve the problems the Democrats have created. If anything, they have helped the Democrats.
Pete my last visit.
What in my comment needs moderation.
Pete the illegal alien money is approaching 1-trill a year. How long before the US can’t borrow to pay them?