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Schools and Transparency – 2021-2022

Lakeland School District is focused on being transparent about the curriculum

Schools and Transparency 2021-2022

Schools and Transparency 2021-2022

By Bob Shillingstad

We have been subjected to fear mongering on a scale that makes the threat of nuclear annihilation in the 1950’s pale in comparison to the effect SARS-2 (COVID 19) has had on our lives these past 18 months. When we apply facts and “science” to this mind control project we wonder “why” and “what were they thinking”?

Out of 2,189 deaths in Idaho “with COVID” 93% were over the age of 60. Nearly half of all deaths were people in nursing homes and nearly all had co-morbidities. There were zero deaths of residents under the age of 18!

In fact Johns Hopkins released a recent study of over 48,000 cases under the age of 18 in the country that resulted in the deaths of less than 600 youngsters they could find zero deaths of healthy young people dying in the United States. Young people are not vectors for spreading the virus either. Those that died had other issues like leukemia or other serious issues. Less than 2% of deaths in Idaho were people under the age of 50 and nearly all of those had at least one serious underlying health issue.



This led to ask the school districts in Kootenai County about COVID, how they responded and what their response will be when they open schools in the fall. We reached out with written questions more then once to the superintendents of Lakeland (Rathdrum/Spirit Lake), Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene for some information of where they stood. The superintendent at Coeur d’Alene said he was too tied up in meetings for the next several weeks and and there was no response from Post Falls to our inquiries.

Dr. Becky Meyer at Lakeland was generous with her time and information and told us that the board, after researching the data, decided to have five day a week school last year as normal as possible and masks were voluntary. They adjusted the teacher preparation time to allow more distancing, did some contact tracing if someone was sick while at school. The district’s response this year was to basically leave the situation as is but dropping the contact tracing in favor of open communication about the level of cases in the schools.

The Coeur d’Alene and Post Falls districts shut down for days at a time and mandated mask wearing off and on. Dr. Meyer said that the results of cases and health outcomes between the districts were negligible and the interpretation of the data was correct and the fear mongering was neither necessary or appropriate for students.

Our next series of questions were about curriculum and the controversy regarding Critical Race Theory and other current debates. Our purpose in this interview was not to get into the weeds about what was being taught but to focus on transparency in the district.

The Lakeland District is studying K-12 math curriculum now and invite parents and patrons to participate. She stated that the school board at Lakeland is focused on being transparent about the curriculum of all subjects and invite anyone with questions to contact the district office.This interview may sound like an endorsement of what is happening at Lakeland and it is not, however, Dr. Meyer was very forthcoming to my questions and defended their approach to the COVID panic in a logical manner.

Interviewing Charter and Christian schools, like Classical Christian Academy, as alternatives resulted in similar approaches for their students in this “pandemic”. Basically, if you are sick, go home until you are better. If you are in school, wash your hands and be mindful of close contact to others.

What is puzzling is the fact that there was no inquiry into the various approaches. The local Press newspaper encouraged the panic and fear and the only reporting centered around Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene as if this was the only response that made sense and it made no sense whatsoever. No Press interviews with Dr. Meyer, private or charter school leaders who were continuing their education as if young people not affected by COVID and they weren’t!

Here are some other results concerning the panic approach that most public school districts and colleges adopted. A significant decline in enrollment, nearly 8,000 fewer students in public schools, for the first time in decades. Lakeland district dropped by several hundred during this COVID scare. Enrollment dropped by 5% at almost every public college in Idaho. Home schooling nationwide has tripled in the last three years to nearly 10% of children are now home schooled! The numbers are even higher among blacks and other minorities.

If there are some positive take aways from all of this concerning education here are some big ones:

1) Parents are exploring options with home schooling, charter schools and private schools
2) They are asking education leaders and boards to be accountable and to be transparent with curriculum and involve parents.
3) The power of teacher unions and the education establishment has been severely weakened.
4) Why was Lakeland the only district to forgo an operational levy with the influx of federal monies?
5) Finally, Idaho is actively exploring some type of voucher payment of education monies directly to parents.

We are now being scared with the COVID Delta variant out of India and CDC is recommending masks again for students in schools and other draconian measures. It is true earlier this spring India experienced an uptick in cases from this variant but since then cases, hospitalizations and deaths have dropped by over 90%. The scare tactics don’t work as well when we can examine the numbers. Here are questions we need answered about the virus:

1) Why are children masked and not in school full time and why would we vaccinate any children?
2) Why do people who have experienced the virus and have anti bodies told to be vaccinated?
3) Why is anyone under the age of 50 with a 98% rate of no complications told to be vaccinated?
4) Why would any college require vaccinations to attend?
5) How many who have been vaccinated experienced complications or death?

Don’t be afraid to question authority when it makes no sense to follow orders that defy logic.


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