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Bundys to Be Released From Prison

Photographic proof seems to have been given to show how the government has not been upfront with the court.

Bundys to Be Released From Prison

Bundys to Be Released From Prison

by Shari Dovale

In a stunning reversal, Judge Gloria Navarro has ordered the release of Cliven and Ammon Bundy from detention during the remainder of their trial, currently underway in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Ammon should be the first defendant released, possibly as soon as tonight. Cliven Bundy, the family patriarch, has refused to be released unless all of the other defendants are released along with him

Defendant Ryan Payne is also expected to be released, though it could be next week before details are worked out through the Oregon court of Judge Anna Brown. Payne has made a plea agreement in the case of the Malheur Refuge Protest.

Details are emerging as to the reasons Judge Navarro made this reversal and is allowing the defendants out of prison.

Government Snipers in Bunkerville

The defense has been challenging the prosecutions rhetoric and claims that they did not know about how far the BLM went in their over reaching impound operation against the Bundy’s. The prosecution’s claims that there were no cameras set to surveil the Bundy Ranch home were disproven.

Prosecutors then made a series of claims that went from: there were no cameras, to no one watched the footage and it was not recorded. Every claim seemed to be easily shot down by the defense team, with the government grasping for another reason immediately on it’s heels.

The latest claims are concerning the government snipers at the standoff. Prosecutors have denied snipers were there at all, though this information came out during the previous trials.

It is not known yet whether the defendants will be placed in a halfway house, or under other restrictions, while the Judge considers a mistrial, or possibly a dismissal of the case.

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9 Comments on Bundys to Be Released From Prison

  1. The federal government under the orders of then Senator HRry Reid tried everything they could to bring the Bundys down. Real reason Reid and other delvelopers wanted the Bundy land. This case should be dismissed and all charges dropped. Then Reid charged with abuse of power.

  2. Yes, it is cause for a celebration. After 670 plus days of having my wallet stolen, it is now returned to me, minus the cash that was in it. My wallet should have never been stolen to start with and these guys should have never been imprisoned to start with.

  3. Wow ! just got home from the courthouse and Shari already has the news written and published ! She’s running circles around the Lamestream. The latest word is that Ammon will be released at 9:00 AM tomorrow. It’ll be quite a celebration !

  4. This is excellent news and I am happy for them. I have become cynical of these trials and this judge so I hope that I’m wrong that this is some tactic to relax the defendants and distract them from their defense.
    I pray that this is finally coming to a just end.

3 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. BLM & FBI Exposed or How the Bundy’s Got Released | Oath Keepers Nebraska
  2. BLM & FBI Exposed or How the Bundy’s Got Released – A-1 Sentry
  3. BLM & FBI Exposed or How the Bundy’s Got Released | The Power Hour | Nation Radio Show

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