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Divine Providence and Closed Doors

If God had wanted Trump to remain in office for another four years....

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Divine Providence and Closed Doors

by Pete Ketcham

In previous editorials I had written about Divine providence as a term frequently used by the founding fathers in their writings and statements concerning the birth of our nation.

A short definition of the term is: The belief that there is a God, and that He is concerned about this nation, and on occasions, directly intervenes in the affairs of this nation.

This Divine intervention was demonstrated during the Revolutionary War, constitutional convention, and on many other occasions.

It has also been shown that Divine intervention in our personal lives as well as in the nation is not always pleasant. Some doors are opened and some are closed as God accomplishes His purpose. Thus we come to the issue of the fraudulent presidential election that has removed Donald Trump from office.

I had basically believed (and still do) that it was Divine intervention that placed Trump in office in the first place, kept him in office four years, and it is Divine intervention that has now removed him from office. I say this because of the multiple “closed doors” that Trump has faced in this presidential election, which are listed as follows:

  1. The Covid 19 pandemic wiped out most of the great economic advances Trump had brought about.
  2. The election itself. The Democrats successfully and illegally moved votes from Trump to Biden.
  3. This illegal voting procedure was documented and testified to, yet was unable to be recognized as fraudulent by the controlling legal entities.
  4. The various state legislators would take no meaningful action.
  5. The various state courts would not give Trump’s lawyers a hearing.
  6. The various federal circuit courts would not give Trump’s lawyers a hearing.
  7. The Supreme court would not give Trump’s lawyers a hearing.
  8. The Republican controlled Senate was unable to mount any significant opposition to overturn the fraudulent election, and the House impeached him.
  9. And lastly, the unintended riots and break-in of the US capital building literally swept the feet out from under Trump as he made a last ditch effort to present his case to his supporters.


It would seem logical, that if God had wanted Trump to remain in office for another four years, the preceding “closed Doors” would not have occurred. At this point one can only speculate what all this means, but perhaps Trump, his family, and his staff’s removal from office may turn out to be a blessing for them in light of possible coming events.


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