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God Will Not Be Mocked

July 28, 2024 6

God Will Not Be Mocked by Shari Dovale The blasphemy during the Olympics should be the focus of every Christian around the world today. Satan took hold of these people and showed his intentions. Yes, millions [Read More]

Satanic Temple Declares Child Sacrifice a RITE

Satanic Temple Declares Child Sacrifice a RITE

December 4, 2023 6

Satanic Temple Declares Child Sacrifice a RITE by Shari Dovale For whatever reasons they want to claim, The Satanic Temple (TST) began in 2013 to promote Satan worship and child sacrifice. They have succeeded and their [Read More]


Your Parents Don’t Deserve This

November 28, 2023 0

Your Parents Don’t Deserve This     The Bible never commands us to love our parents, but it does command us to honor them. So, why have so many adult children decided to hurt their [Read More]


The Seeds Of Antisemitism

November 19, 2023 3

The Seeds Of Antisemitism By Bruce R. Booker Surprisingly enough, the seeds of antisemitism were sown centuries before there was a Semite, or even Abraham, for that matter. They were sown back in the Garden [Read More]

The Devil has a Foothold in Bonner County
Bonner County

The Devil has a Foothold in Bonner County

July 27, 2023 2

The Devil has a Foothold in Bonner County by Shari Dovale Commissioner Steve Bradshaw is pastor/owner of the Cocolalla Cowboy Church. He is known for spending more time on politics than on the Bible in his [Read More]

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