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Exclusive: Idaho Rep. Scott on Liberal Media Attacks

The unbiased integrity of the Rampart Group’s reporting is in serious question

Idaho Representative Heather Scott on Liberal Media Attacks

Idaho Rep. Heather Scott on Liberal Media Attacks

by Shari Dovale

In an exclusive interview with Redoubt News, Idaho Representative Heather Scott weighs in on the recent biased medias’ coordinated hysterical attempts to draw conservative elected officials and others into the Washington State democrats’ smearing of combat veteran and Washington State Representative Matt Shea.

Reminding all “free thinking” Idahoans that the following facts and unanswered questions really do matter when drawing your own conclusions, Scott says that the unbiased integrity of the Rampart Group’s reporting is in serious question when their top four information sources relied upon include the biased Wikipedia, The Southern Poverty Law Center, Portland uber-left journalist writer Leah Sottile and The Inlander reporter Dan Walters.

Showing her research, Scott lays out the facts:

  • The 2014 Bundy standoff case was dismissed with prejudice – the judge said the prosecutors had “violated the Bundy’s constitutional rights.”
  • The 2015 Priest River veteran gun confiscation event ended peacefully because the VA changed the mental health evaluation of the veteran involved. The Bonner County Sheriff, Priest River Chief of Police were both on site enforcing Idaho State Code Section 18-3315(B).
  • The 2016 Malheur occupation leaders were all acquitted and found NOT GUILTY.
  • Currently the DOJ is carrying out an internal investigation into the actions of the FBI at the shooting death of Malheur protester LaVoy Finicum.
  • Former BLM Special Agent in Charge Dan Love is still under investigation for numerous evidentiary violations before, during, and after the Bundy standoff.
  • The same 2014-2016 DOJ and FBI agencies, who carried out the operations in the Bundy standoff and Malheur occupation, also employed an illegally used FISA and a recently debunked ‘Steele Dossier’ to surveil President Trump in 2016.
  • Why are the Washington democrats, media, and even the Washington Republican leadership, re-litigating these matters? Are they seeking a guilty verdict, at all cost, without due process, like they are doing to President Trump?
  • Are the Washington democrats and biased media colluding to label lynch duly elected State Representative Matt Shea out of office? Is it because they dislike the voters of Rep. Matt Shea’s district or his political beliefs?
  • Why haven’t the Washington Democrats, the Washington Republican leadership and west coast liberal media mouth pieces like Dan Walters and Leah Sottile condemned the 2019 bombing and attempted armed violent takeover of a Washington federal facility by extreme left-wing terrorist Willem Van Spronsen?

This is not an isolated incident to the Pacific Northwest. This is happening in Washington DC and around the country in a coordinated effort by individuals and organizations, like those listed above, to discredit anyone they label as “extreme white terror” and to influence the upcoming 2020 elections.

“Don’t fall for the bait to divide citizens and don’t take your eyes of the fight to save our Republic,” Scott says. “I am all in and hope you are too.”


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3 Comments on Exclusive: Idaho Rep. Scott on Liberal Media Attacks

  1. Thank you Heather for your courage, insight and unwavering commitment to the Constitution of the United States and the great state of Idaho. You are a patriot and ALL patriots stand with you!

  2. I can’t speak for everyone but have no qualms of speaking for everyone I know.

    Heather is extremely well liked and respected by the vast majority of her constituents, for the simple fact we agree with her stance on the issues of the day and her fearless commitment to the Constitution and it’s principles.

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