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Townhall: Heather Scott and Scott Herndon
Video Articles

Townhall: Heather Scott and Scott Herndon

October 27, 2022 1

Townhall: Heather Scott and Scott Herndon       Related: State Caught in Child Trafficking? #BabyLily   This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author. Consider sharing this article with your friends [Read More]

Big Brother

State Caught in Child Trafficking? #BabyLily

October 27, 2022 0

State Caught in Child Trafficking? by Shari Dovale Did you know that the money funneled to states and child protective services actually encourages them to accuse you of child abuse and even murder, and to [Read More]

Idaho Voter Integrity
Legislative Updates

Idaho Voter Integrity

October 25, 2021 2

Idaho Voter Integrity   by Rep. Heather Scott In a day and age of ever increasing societal moral rot, it is certainly possible and highly likely that voter fraud occurred in the last election cycle.  [Read More]

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