Here We Go Again!! by Chris Brumbles
Here We Go Again!! There has been an all-out attack on our Constitution for many years now by mostly the Far Left Radicals that are controlling the Democrat Party, but Republicans are not immune to [Read More]
Here We Go Again!! There has been an all-out attack on our Constitution for many years now by mostly the Far Left Radicals that are controlling the Democrat Party, but Republicans are not immune to [Read More]
Living In Alternate Worlds By Pete Ketcham America is totally divided between the worlds of reality and fantasy. The God-fearing conservatives live in the world of reality, and the godless liberals live in the world [Read More]
Chronic Liars, The Truth Is Not In Them By Pete Ketcham At times through the years politicians and office holders within the nation used subterfuge and lies to mislead the public, but for the most [Read More]
What The Democrat Party Has Evolved Into By Pete Ketcham Introduction The following comments concerning the Democrat Party are not to disparage any individual within the party that may be honest and ethical, but are [Read More]
From Viable Candidate To Convicted Felon By Pete Ketcham Introduction With Republicans there seems to be no doubt that Donald Trump will be the Republican Party candidate for president. The two logical alternative Republican presidential [Read More]
Death of the Primary By Brent Regan, Chairman KCRCC The Democrats running Reclaim Idaho and their supporters are pushing a voter initiative which they are deceptively calling the “Open Primary Initiative” and falsely claiming that “Leaders [Read More]
Reclaim Idaho Activists & Antifa Working to Turn Idaho Blue Far-Left Extreme Democrat Ties Revealed What exactly is Reclaim Idaho trying to do? By Samantha Collins, Idaho Tribune Like most Democrats in Idaho, the organization named [Read More]
Is There Anything Positive? By Pete Ketcham Could there possibly be anything positive coming out of the complete division between the godless Democrats and the God-fearing Republicans? That would seem to be a question that [Read More]
Propaganda, Indoctrination, And Demonetization By Pete Ketcham INTRODUCTION Propaganda, indoctrination, and demonetization were the three main issues that Hitler and the Nazis used to induce the German people to follow him and the Nazi Party into [Read More]
Editors Note: Oregon Senators staged a walkout of the state Capitol on Wednesday over 2 highly contentious bills. HB 2002 allows minors to get an abortion without notifying parents. HB 2005, among many other details, [Read More]
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