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Governor Inslee’s Informant Army – Here’s the Snitch List

Inslee's Snitch Army of Potential Brown Shirts


Governor Inslee’s Informant Army – Here’s the Snitch List

This article has NOT been approved by Inslee’s Ministry of Covid Compliance.

There have been multiple concerns raised in Washington State recently by the “snitch on your neighbor” websites and other efforts made by local government to create on-line tools to report your neighbor and local business for violating Washington State Governor Inslee’s Corona Virus  Lockdown proclamations.  In some cases, like the Bellevue Police Department clearly stated last month, this was a way to reduce the workload of the 911 call center who were being inundated with panic calls from citizens who spent their days cooped up at home with the only entertainment (in between Netflix binging) to spying on their neighbor and report all potential “violations” to the police.  For those who already had conflicts with their neighbors, this was a great way to escalate the ongoing fight.  It is not a great way to build harmony, and it certainly doesn’t help the police stop the real criminals.

Sign at May 9, 2020 protest at State Capital Campus

Washington State Governor Inslee decided to create a state wide “Inslee Ministry of Covid Compliance” (a truth tag we added for clarity) hotline/website (see here) where bored citizens could also report the businesses they felt were not obeying Inslee and those who were not properly subordinate to whatever whimsical proclamation Governor Inslee kicked out next.  This produced a bonanza of complaints, and thanks to Washington State’s public records act (RCW 42.56), this is the first installment of the list of Inslee’s informant army.  Download the 146 page PDF file yourself here.  Or, you can download a more useful Excel file here. Or, you’ll have to send me a message and I’ll email it to you. Note, there appear to be over 7,000 entries.  Most people who filed complaints also included their email and phone number, which is now part of this public record (a fact Inslee conveniently left out and probably did not communicate to the complainers).

Sign at May 9, 2020 protest on Capital Campus

I’ve expressed concern in years past for turning neighbor against neighbor by allowing anonymous complaints to be weaponized as the basis for tortuous harassment by code enforcement officers, central planning departments, and the various environmental groups who must justify their existence by hurting and harassing as many people as possible.  Of course, it was always “for the environment,” “for the pocket gopher,” or “global warming” or some other excuse.  I’ve detailed a variety of stories related to the ridiculous outcome of that process here, here, and here.  I’ve always been concerned about how encouraging these complaints between neighbors and enemies causes a breakdown in community, reduces the ability of people to work out their differences (which only become chasms when the bumbling power of the state gets involved), and how it creates pointless divisions in communities and among neighbors escalating minor neighbor annoyances into Defcon 1 bitter battles.

Governor Jay Inslee

However, this new state-wide informant line is particularly concerning because Governor Inslee’s proclamations have been sudden, random, and a substantial portion of the population will not accept his goal of destroying their business, livelihood, or future.  Additionally, this is the Governor who early released 5,000 violent felons early so they could continue to inflict additional bonus violence and harm on the law abiding people of the state – including murders – just because his Dept. of Corrections had a known software glitch which they didn’t fix.  Ooops, Inslee’s bad – oh well, not like there are any consequences for him, just the rest of us suckers who live here.  The Governor was eager to release another 1,000 felons to prey on the unarmed and vulnerable early last month including sex offenders and other criminals because they might catch the virus in prison.  At the same time this Governor has also been doing everything in his power to restrain and deny the citizens of the state the right to defend themselves.

So, while releasing violent felons on the law-abiding citizens of the state is state policy, and police resources have been stretched thin dealing with a substantial increase in crime in many parts of the state, the Governor also wants to use police powers to threaten businesses and citizens who don’t follow his proclamations – regardless of how irrational and illegal they might be.  When the opportunity to join Inslee’s Informant Army was presented, thousands jumped at the chance to turn in their neighbors for being “insubordinate” to Governor Jay Inslee.

A few notes about the complaints:

  1. The spelling is so atrocious in many cases it makes it difficult to even understand the complaint (If you are doing that on purpose – good one, but I suspect literacy is just on the decline these days)
  2. Many complaints are filed by business competitors trying to harm each other
  3. Some complaints appear to be from workers who believe they can make more on unemployment
  4. Often, it appears, that if someone didn’t like the business in the first place, this was a good way to pile on and throw something more at it.
  5. I liked the innovative complaints on all the private aircraft taking off from Renton airport (and elsewhere).  Very detailed.
  6. It was a nice touch to see people file complaints on Inslee himself using this system (no reason to stop)
Spying on your neighbors can be fun

Some favorite quotes from the snitch list

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the Ministry of Covid Compliance snitch list (I’ve censored the full names and home addresses, but you can get the unredacted version from the state’s own list here):

Line#7547 – Seattle – “Owner b**** a***** has no respect for the governors proclamation, and has told his employees he will spit in jay inslees face if he tries to close his business. In addition to refusing to close there is no social distance being practiced” – “Pete”

Line #7525 – Pasco – “This business is still operating and has the order to stop.  Owner said he will not be told what to do when it comes to operating his business.” – “Heaven”

Line #7517 – Bainbridge Island – “Reported to city of Bainbridge code compliance.  Illegal tree cutting and landscaping activity for 9 days.  Claus *****, home owner said he doesn’t care about non essential work order stoppage, it doesn’t apply to him or anyone who wants to come work for him.  City
compliance officer  has visited site and recommended I follow up on this form.  Also cutting trees without permit is R***** Y** with same operation at **** wing point drive.  He was also spoken to by compliance officer” – “Catheri”

Line #7474 – Seattle – “They are working on the house next door. The workers stated that the mandate is not being enforced so they are starting work back up on all their job sites. They say the small risk of a fine is worth it. What’s the point of a mandate that isn’t being enforced?” – Unknown

Line#5983 – Port Orchard – “Owner is having daily morning meetings in person with up to 70 people in order to distribute roofing jobs. Thinks the pandemic is a joke, saying he would bring out his AK-47 before they stop him from working.” – Unknown

Line #65 – Moses Lake – “Many people lined up and “waitresses” walking out to cars and getting orders about 2 feet from the driver! Coffee is NOT an essential business.” – “Molly”

Line #121 – Airway Heights – “(Sign) out that says F**k coronavirus we are open 8-8” – “Unknown”

Line #135 – Olympia – “They have been seeing patience daily since the mandate. I have pictures of vehicles/licenses.” – “Brent”

Line #164 – Seattle – “I am a King Co Sheriff’s deputy. Last week I warned this business about being open during the restrictions.  Today I walked into the business and they had a full staff of 4 workers and were giving a body massage to a male client. The male was naked with a towel on (foot massage?)
I told the owner X***** C*** to close the business. King Co Case # C20013297” – “Robert”

Line #201 – Bellingham – “Business is operating as usual. I asked owner and he told me he wasn’t going to close. Belligerent about government can’t tell him what to do.” – “Unknown”

Line #208 – Spokane Valley – “They are still operating and only plan on closing if they get caught.” – Unknown

Line #212 – Bellingham – “Please  tell the stand alone gun shops that they are not to sell guns during the shelter in place order. I understand that multipurpose shops like TENEX and Coastal Farm and Ranch are able to still sell as are pawn shops (financial institutions) , but am still seeing lots of background requests for stand alone gun shops.” – “Morgan”

Line #251 – Colfax – “Non essential business still working and bragging about it.” – Unknown

Line #349 – Aberdeen – “I just know they are open. They have an employee that goes out in the public everyday. They lock doors Sometimes but all you have to do to get in is make an appointment.” – “Cindy”

Line #566 – Tulalip – “Cabela’s in Tulaip just re-opened this morning (4/3/20).  I was in the store today.  I was told by Cabela’s staff they are an essential business, they only follow Federal rules.  Also said this: “We are on tribal land and can do anything we want.” – “Thomas”

Line #666 – Graham – “Coffee stands are NON-ESSENTIAL Businesses. They do NOT provide a full meal, just muffins and cookies and ALL Coffee stands should be required to shut down.” – Sara

Line #827 – Arlington – “We hear guns Being fired everyday at this private gun club.  Did not see this on the list of essential businesses.” – “Helen”

Line #831 – Arlington – “More GREAT news. Norpoint gun Range in Snohomish County has re-opened it’s doors! Please stop by and support them, and thank them for taking a stand against the illegal edicts from Governor Inslee that forced them to shut down in the first place.”i have screenshots if you need them.  they want to test to see if enforcement has teeth, I think.” – “Christi”

Line #1043 – Port Orchard – “Large gatherings of people.  Only golf course in western washington that remains open.  Owner and Management laughs at Governor Inslee’s Order and is defiant.  Total disregard for social distancing.” – “Unknown”

Line #2051 – Bellevue –  site says they are purposefully defying Governor’s shutdown orders.” – “Lauren”

Line #2068 – Lynnwood – “This business is openly defying the ban and even bragging to the media about it. The owner has a history of openly and broadly defying local laws and ordinances and is a menace to the community. She is encouraging people to gather in groups and defy all the governor’s orders.” – “Unknown”

Line #2551 – Coupeville – “Owner Terri Montana REFUSES TO CLOSE GYM DOWN!!! When asked why She will not for the protection of the community, her exact words were “Governor Inslee can’t tell me what to do!!” And she further said that the laws do not apply in island county! Carage the nursing home in Coupeville which has an outbreak of coronavirus patients and staff is just a stones throw away and Coupeville fitness has members from Carage families and staff!!! PLEASE CLOSE THIS BUSINESS FOWN AND SEND HER TO JAIL FOR NIN COMPLIANCE!!! There were at least 15 members in there this morning just inches apart from each other!!!!!!!!” – “Diane”

Line #3380 – Vancouver – “I’ve reported this establishment previously, they are still gathering in fairly large groups. It is my understanding churches and religious groups are not exempt from Gov. Inslees non essential stay home orders. I have photos of the parking lot full, people in the parking lot and entering the building”  – “Kate”

Line #4389 – Olympia (specifically about Jay Inslee) – “This jack-ass is destroying businesses while shielding his favorite cash  generators. As in Boeing, Pot shops and his DNC and vice president campaign” – “Dan”

Read the complaints for yourself by downloading the list here.  Again, if you want a more useful Excel file, it is quite large, I can email it to you if you send a message.

Now, I think I’m going to get on that complaint website and file some complaints against Inslee, the Department of Ecology, and all the genius politicians and bureaucrats who thought this was a good idea in the first place.



Background articles and documents:

PDF file (146 pages) of the first public records act request of the complete snitch list
Corona Virus lawsuits against Governor Inslee – the list.
Governor Inslee risks children by waiving background checks for childcare workers
Complete list of Governor Jay Inslee’s emergency proclamations – official website
Proclamation #20-31 “suspend background checks for childcare workers”
A sign of the times
Original Declaration of Emergency February 29, 2020
Rantz: Governor Inslee releasing sex offender, gang members from jail over Coronavirus
Tahoma schools childcare worker faces multiple molestation accusations
Do these politicians and bureaucrats even care? Washington State rebellion grows
A good day for a little rebellion against Governor Inslee
Federal Lawsuit filed by Josh Freed against Governor Inslee April 21, 2020
Federal Lawsuit filed by Clint Didier against Governor Inslee May 1, 2020
Federal Lawsuit filed by Drew MacEwen against Governor Inslee May 5, 2020
Lewis County Superior Court – Simper v. Inslee – May 5, 2020



Republished with permission from We The Governed

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1 Comment on Governor Inslee’s Informant Army – Here’s the Snitch List

  1. Excellent article Mr Morgan, backed up by an impressive amount of research..A sad commentary on people who, I guess, need a life…Little did these wretches know that their contact info was available..

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