Nasty Hit Job on Good People!
The recent reporting on Matt Shea and Heather Scott is nothing more than a nasty leftist/false republican hit job of the worst kind. Check the facts and you will see the insidious nature of these false and ridiculous claims of “domestic terrorism”.
Linking and demonizing people to terrorism, who stand for their beliefs is wrong and should not be tolerated in our Republic.
Friends and neighbors, stand your ground and don’t allow rhetoric, innuendo and slander rule the day. Remember when they come for one they will come for you next! The leftist democrats will stop at nothing to denigrate the important work done by these real representatives of We the People!
The article by Redoubt News reporter, Shari Dovale says it all.
Heather lays out the FACTS! Please take a minute to read it!
Make the call to support them in word and deed. Make the call, Today!
State Of Idaho Legislative Service Office
700 W Jefferson St Boise ID 83720-0002
Thank you, Heather, for all you do every day for the rest of us.
Rick Johnson
Sandpoint, Idaho
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