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Action Alert! Stop Leftist Indoctrination Of Idaho Youth

Petition telling lawmakers to reject the toddler indoctrination grant funding

Action Alert! Stop Leftist Indoctrination Of Idaho Youth

Action Alert! Stop Leftist Indoctrination Of Idaho Youth

By Wayne Hoffman

Act now to stop the leftist indoctrination of Idaho youth

It is time to take a stand. Our free society is under attack, and the education system is the conduit for that attack. We cannot sit by and watch the demise of our country via the calculated effort to brainwash Idaho’s young people.

Here’s what’s on the docket in the Legislature this week:

  1. $6 million federal grant for leftist nonprofit that pushes social justice on toddlers
  2. Public school budgets without safeguards against leftist training for teachers and administrators
  3. Lawmakers will again consider the higher education budget. Will they cut the $20 million school spend on social justice programs and classes?

We need you to act right away. These critical votes will happen in the next few days and lawmakers need to hear from you!

So, here is the call to action: Watch the video above and then contact your lawmakers. Additionally, click below to sign the Idaho Freedom Action petition telling lawmakers to reject the toddler indoctrination grant funding.

Then, forward this article to a freedom-loving friend. We need all the help we can get to win these important battles.

Hundreds of thousands of young Idahoans are counting on us to stop this leftist campaign. Let’s not let them down.



Wayne Hoffman is president of the Idaho Freedom Foundation.

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