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Election Fraud Part 4: Georgia

Since the final vote margin is within 0.5% Trump’s campaign will have two business days to request a recount.

Election Fraud Part 4: Georgia

Election Fraud Part 4: Georgia

by Shari Dovale

The problem with this election is very basic. Voters have to believe their vote matters, and that the vote is free, fair, and accurate.

That is not the case in Georgia. The votes are in dispute, with the law being challenged, as well. Despite these questions, the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, certified the vote today anyway.

Attorney Lin Wood, a Georgia resident, recently filed to have the vote certification halted while issues were adjudicated, yet U.S. District Court Judge Steven Grimberg ruled against him.

Some of what Wood presented involved Raffensperger’s one-sided changing of how absentee ballots were handled.

Wood explains that the Georgia Legislature clearly outlined the procedure in which absentee ballots were to be handled. Raffensperger, however, entered into an agreement with the Democrats where they determined what changes would be made to the procedures for the ballots. This “Litigation Settlement” was in response to a lawsuit filed by these Democrat Party Agencies.

Judge Grimberg, however, determined that as a lone voter in the state, Wood did not have sufficient standing. He said said he might have viewed the suit differently if it had been brought by the Trump campaign itself or even by the Republican Party.

Neither the Republican Party nor the Trump campaign nor any other candidate has joined this lawsuit,” the judge said. “That certainly would have changed the analysis when it comes to standing.”

Read Wood v. Raffensperger


There has been extensive coverage of the problems in Georgia, and it has been reported that three separate counties have discovered uncounted votes, with a large amount being cast for President Donald Trump.

Real Clear Investigations told us of even more unexplained votes found:

In the early hours of Nov. 5, a surge of some 20,000 mail-in votes suddenly appeared for Joe Biden, while approximately 1,000 votes for President Trump mysteriously disappeared from his own totals in the critical swing state

Considering that the final vote tally showed Biden ahead by a mere 12,670 votes or 0.25%, this should have been the game changer.

Since the final vote margin is within 0.5% Trump’s campaign will have two business days to request a recount.


Part 1: Here Is Your Evidence! IN YOUR FACE!
Part 2: MORE Evidence of Voter Fraud: Michigan
The Vote Was Manipulated By Human Intervention
Part 3: Trump Legal Team


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