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Here Is Your Evidence! IN YOUR FACE!

Multiple cases from multiple years proves that voter fraud is not an anomaly.

Here Is Your Evidence! IN YOUR FACE!

Here Is Your Evidence! IN YOUR FACE!

by Shari Dovale

While the Propagandist Media continues to hope for a Biden victory, they cannot hide the truth that voter fraud is prevalent. They, along with Big Tech and other Socialists, however, repeat the claim there is no proof and voter fraud is a myth.

The Democrats crying that there is no evidence of voter fraud does not make it true. They only scream about it being a myth when it fits their narrative. Let’s begin by getting this into perspective. Here are but three examples of the Democrats screaming about losing an election to voter fraud:

(1) Al Gore, and his Dem supporters screamed voter fraud over the roughly 500 vote difference in Florida during the 2000 presidential election. TV networks even called the state for Gore, with their propaganda having to be retracted later.

NBC had been first to declare a winner in Florida. “We don’t just have egg on our face,” NBC’s Tom Brokaw said. “We have an omelette.”

(2) In 2018, Democrats gained a do-over election in North Carolina’s ninth congressional district after screaming about “ballot harvesting.” Ballot harvesting is the controversial practice of collecting absentee and/or mail-in ballots from voters, and illegal in many jurisdictions.

There was scant evidence of voter fraud in that election when the Democrat-dominated State Board of Elections (SBE) refused to certify the result on November 27th, 2018, after meeting in a session closed to the public.

That was twenty-one days after Republican Mark Harris won and Democrat Dan McReady conceded. As of the final count, Harris won with a margin of victory of 0.32% and a 905-vote advantage.

(3) Spending weeks prior to the 2016 election trashing Donald Trump over his claims that the election might be stolen through fraud, and repeating the Democrat talking points that it couldn’t happen, the narrative changed after Trump was elected.

Hillary Clinton is still bitter about her presidential election loss in 2016.  “I was the candidate that they basically stole an election from,” Clinton said Monday on the New York Times podcast “Sway.”

The fraud claims continued, which led to the “Russia, Russia, Russia” narrative, and the phony impeachment that stalled the country for 3 years. In a poll released by YouGov, nearly half of Democrats believed that the 2016 presidential election was rigged.

Now that we are clear that the Liberals are just as loud in the fraud-screaming department as they claim of President Trump, let us look at the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud recently and in the 2020 Presidential Election. The list is long, yet familiar.

During a White House press conference in September, President Donald Trump cited the following stories, questioning the integrity and stability of the mail-in voting process:

  1. In Brooklyn, 25 percent of mail-in ballots were ruled invalid during the June Democrat primary.
  2. In a New Jersey special election, nearly 20 percent of the ballots were thrown out, and four people are being prosecuted for fraud.
  3. In a Florida primary, more than 35,000 mail-in ballots were rejected, and over 100,000 ballots were rejected in California.
  4. In Pennsylvania’s primary, half of the counties were still counting ballots a week after the election.
  5. The story of discarded military ballots discovered in Pennsylvania, many of them were cast for Trump.
  6. Reports in Wisconsin of three trays of mail containing absentee ballots were found in a ditch.
  7. In North Carolina, voters reported receiving two ballots in the mail.

The Progressive Socialists will tell you to discount the claims of the President, as they think he is too biased to be believed. However, there are a multitude of cases brought by others.

A case of double voting in New Hampshire is being prosecuted by the state’s attorney general after Project Veritas exposed the fraud. Vincent Marzello of West Lebanon, NH, was arrested and charged with Felony voter fraud for voting twice during the 2016 general election. It turned out that the prosecutor’s office had been given the case some eight months prior, but had chosen to put it on the back burner as not being a priority.

Adding insult to injury, the New Hampshire Democrat Party appointed the double voter, Marzello, also known as “Helen Ashley,” as an election inspector for the 2020 election under his female alias.

Three voters in Wisconsin have filed a lawsuit to have the election results of 3 differing counties thrown out due to multiple counts of voter fraud. If successful, this will invalidate over 792,000 votes.

The lawsuit states: “Because illegal votes dilute legal votes, the evidence establishes, and will establish, that the rights of voters have been violated by vote-dilution disenfranchisement. Consequently, the presidential election results from the counties identified should not be included in certified and reported totals for presidential electors from this state.”


Multiple lawsuits were filed by Democrats to change the rules of voting in the various states. The Biden campaign brought over 60 lawsuits themselves. The laws did not allow a complete mail-in voting scenario throughout the country, yet they got the Democrat-controlled and elected Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to say that the deadline (among other things) was unconstitutional because of the Covid 19(84) virus.

Yet, as reported by the NY Post, Joe Biden spent decades warning of voter fraud, yet now his party calls it a myth. That is only because fraud is the only way he can win this election. They cannot win this battle on a fair and even playing field.


Judicial Watch released a study from September 2020 that showed 353 U.S. counties in 29 states had voter registration rates exceeding 100%.

The new study shows 1.8 million excess, or ‘ghost’ voters in 353 counties across 29 states,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The data highlights the recklessness of mailing blindly ballots and ballot applications to voter registration lists. Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections.”

Earlier this month, Judicial Watch sued Colorado over its failure to comply with the National Voter Registration Act. In Judicial Watch’s new study, 42 Colorado counties—or two thirds of the state’s counties—had registration rates exceeding 100%.


Fairfax, Virginia claimed a ‘clerical error’ when 100,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden.


Antrim County, Michigan claimed ‘human error’ when the Republican stronghold had more Biden votes than went for President Trump.


Further cases proving the existence of voter fraud include:

A Monterey County, California woman pleaded guilty to 6 counts of felony voter fraud for falsifying voter registration forms. In July 2019, April Atilano falsified a number of voter registration cards by changing party affiliation and forging signatures.

Delores “Dee” Handy, of Crowley, Louisiana was found guilty of failing to mark a ballot as instructed when assisting an elderly voter.

Tess Bishop, of Salt Lake City, UT, voted “unlawfully and knowingly” in a Harper’s Ferry municipal election where her father, Wayne Bishop, was elected mayor by a margin of 14 votes.

Randy Allen Jumper voted twice in the 2016 general election. He voted by absentee ballot in Arizona and again by absentee ballot in Nevada. He pleaded guilty to attempted illegal voting, a class 6 felony.

Richard Howard was involved in a scheme that offered cigarettes and money to homeless people on Skid Row in exchange for fake signatures on ballot initiatives and voter registration forms. This resulted in hundreds of fraudulent signatures.

Lauren C. Peabody, of Virginia Beach, worked as a campaign staffer for the GOP candidate in the 2nd Congressional District of VA. In that role, she signed off on petition signatures, that she did not witness, to get Shaun Brown, a Democrat, on the ballot as an Independent in order to take away votes from the Democratic nominee (her boss’s main opponent). The signatures were forgeries of deceased individuals and former residents.


The list goes on, and on. Multiple cases from multiple years proves that voter fraud is not an anomaly. It is widespread and can hit every jurisdiction.

The Heritage Foundation did an extensive study and found 1,298 proven instances of voter fraud, with 1,121 criminal convictions and 48 civil penalties as just a fragment of recent election fraud cases from across the United States.

Look at their interactive map, and search their database.

When a Democrat starts screaming to give them proof, share this article and tell them “In Your Face!”


Part 2!

Further Reading:


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1 Comment on Here Is Your Evidence! IN YOUR FACE!

  1. “…we have put together, i think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of american politics…” Joe Biden, 2020.

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