Protests & Riots Are Logical Outcome Of Public Education
by Pete Ketcham
A time worn and oft repeated quote attributed to Albert Einstein is “Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over Again, and Expecting Different Results”, yet concerning the following issue the quote is applicable.
Many wonder why the young protesters gather with such anger against our nation and law enforcement. We wonder where and how they acquired such a venomous attitude that leads to shouting, screaming, and anger that manifests into the violence of looting burning, and physical assault against the police.
The answer is simple, for the last three generations this nation has sent it’s youth into institutions (both elementary and higher learning) that have indoctrinated these youths with a hatred and contempt for this nation, it’s founding documents, founding fathers, it’s history, and God. Consequently what we are seeing today in these protests/riots is a logical outcome of this indoctrination.
Where the insanity comes in is the fact that conservative parents have sent their children into this indoctrination system (known as the US education system) year after year expecting that our nation would continue to remain a christian based constitutional society, basically doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.
There is no current effective effort to either shut down this system, or restructure it. In essence it is a continuing “supply system” for the radical illogical youth that are protesting and rioting on a daily basis across the nation.
The present conservative administration has done wonderful things to improve the economy (before coved-19 pandemic), but sadly it has done nothing effective to solve the liberal “nation-hating” indoctrination system that our youth are presently immersed in.
Who ever thinks the present protests/riots will cease if they kneel in agreement with Black Lives Matter, are completely naive. In a interview this week, the leader of Black Lives Matter stated that if the nation does not do what they demand, they will “burn it down”. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and others have evolved into domestic terrorist organizations, who’s members come directly from our public school indoctrination system.
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