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Agenda 2030/Envision – Tom DeWeese in Coeur d’Alene

Tuesday, September 17th in Coeur d’Alene

Agenda 2030 & Envision – Join Tom DeWeese in Coeur d’Alene

Agenda 2030 & Envision
A Major Speaking Event with Tom DeWeese

By Rich Loudenback

The John Birch Society Speakers Bureau is pleased to announce a major speaking event.

Tom DeWeese will be speaking on Tuesday, September 17th in Coeur d’Alene at the Best Western Inn on Appleway at 7 PM. The title of his speech will be “AGENDA 21 & ENVISION: ‘The Wrenching Transformation of America’ – The names change but the threat is real to your family and community.”

The constant drumming up of the many tentacles of this control seeking program of the globalist UN by the local media is so prevalent today, we just had to do something ASAP.  And from the turnout Tom DeWeese had last time he was here we decided he is the best man we can get to reveal truth on the topic.


In that article Tom points out “Nancy Pelosi’s open claim that Agenda 21 is a ‘comprehensive blue print’ for the reorganization of human society was true… that Agenda 21 was aimed at destroying free enterprise…and that it is was a clarion call for humans to live on less and that the Earth could no longer sustain the consumptive appetite of United States of America.”

DeWeese also states “Well, guess what, Agenda 21 is not a done deal and one of the main forces to recognize that fact is the UN itself, along with a mob of enabling Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). And because it is not a done deal, they are all planning a new massive gathering to reboot Agenda 21 and force it across the finish line.”

We hope you can plan to attend this most important information fest on all the real intentions of this most audacious effort for control of our property and our lives by the UN globalists.   And please make an effort to bring with you your friends and neighbors.  We must learn more about this juggernaut of controls being clandestinely foisted upon us.

Tickets will be $10 at the door.

H/T Inland NW Report

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