Why Is The Truth Being Ignored?
Why Is The Truth Being Ignored? By Karen Schumacher As everyone focuses on the devastation that would ensue if Joe Biden were re-elected, or the triumphs for America that would come with a Donald Trump [Read More]
Why Is The Truth Being Ignored? By Karen Schumacher As everyone focuses on the devastation that would ensue if Joe Biden were re-elected, or the triumphs for America that would come with a Donald Trump [Read More]
It’s Not A Conspiracy, Never Has Been By Karen Schumacher For years, those who have researched Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 have tried to warn everyone about the dangers it poses. At least now it [Read More]
Scouting Neutered By Karen Schumacher As the news focuses on the tantalizing story of former President Trump’s hush money trial, the inflated minority antisemitic chaos across campuses which does not reflect the sentiments of 340 [Read More]
IDFG & Wildlife Disease By Karen Schumacher Tremendous dichotomies exist with land management. Money pours in for forest fire prevention while at the same time forests are allowed to become burdened with fuel loads that [Read More]
Sustainable Development Goals #2 In Idaho by Karen Schumacher Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are being implemented across the world, with Idaho being no exception in this scheme. and making its own contributions to [Read More]
Have You Seen This at Home Depot? If not, it has probably seen you. by Karen Schumacher Home Depot (HD) is a global home improvement retail corporation that was founded in 1978, having revenues in the [Read More]
Conservation Is About Connectivity by Karen Schumacher It is often difficult to explain something that doesn’t make sense in a way that it does make sense. Starting with the foundation of the insanity may be the [Read More]
BLM Lawlessness Continues by Karen Schumacher While this information is about southeast Idaho, the issue is relevant for all Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land throughout Idaho. In March 2023, the BLM released its Upper Snake [Read More]
Moving Forward with The Great Reset by Karen Schumacher Senate bill 1159 was signed by Governor Little on March 30, 2023. This bill appropriates $100 million to expand broadband access and infrastructure throughout rural Idaho [Read More]
Don’t Let Lava Ridge Become Another Bunkerville by Karen Schumacher Idahoans probably remember the 2014 standoff that occurred between Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at Bunkerville, Nevada, and also involved Americans [Read More]
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