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Civil Discourse: We Love To Laugh In Idaho

No wonder the Idaho legislature, under Bedke’s leadership, received a “D-“overall in 2015

We Love To Laugh In Idaho

We Love To Laugh In Idaho

by Buck Oswalt

To live in Idaho, one must have a good sense of humor. Be it insults about potatoes or bathroom solicitations by one of our federal senators or prostitute jokes related to our State’s name sake, we all take the ribbing in good fun. We have to laugh because our current governor is named after a water weasel and our federal congressman is closely named for something left in an outhouse. Heck we even have a town named Athol, and it is not even in Ada County; now who could not snicker about that.

So it was a real rib tickler to read last week that none other than Idaho Speaker of the House – Scott Bedke, and his band of merry centralists “strongly suggested” that all members of the Idaho House of Representatives complete his suggested survey from…..drum roll, please….The National Institute For Civil Discourse. What a hoot! Not only that but he is pushing for “ethics training” again at the beginning of the next session.

Now here is a guy whose leadership qualities are on par with Barack Obama or Kim Jung-Un, whose treatment of female legislators resembles Harvey Weinsten’s play book and whose attitude for bottom up limited government is about as cold as Red Fish Lake in February. He thrives on digging into obscurity in an attempt to discredit those who call him out for his actions. Maybe Mr. Bedke is feeling the heat turning up on his own questionable behavior brought to light during last year’s session as the ranks of the perverted and chauvinistic fall in Washington DC., other state capitols, our own state controller’s office and Hollyweird?

This is the same guy who regularly admonishes representatives who are not in lock step with his draconian thinking, harassed and belittled good female liberty Representatives like Rep. Heather Scott (District 1) and Rep. Priscilla Giddings (District 7) but eagerly turns a blind eye and offers political favors to prima donna scofflaws like Representatives Christy Perry, Judy Boyle and Janet Trujillo.

Yah, old Scotty is a real barrel of laughs. No wonder the Idaho legislature, under Bedke’s leadership, received a “D-“overall in 2015 from the CENTER FOR PUBLIC INTEGRITY. Idaho received a “F” In legislative accountability and a “F” in ethics enforcement. It seems Bedke wants to be the poster boy for Dag Hammarskjold ageless quote….”Time goes by, reputation increases, ability declines.”

The only thing funnier last week than Bedke’s ethics training demands was to see that Betsy Zeff-Russel- Spokesmans Review’s gossip columnist, yellow journalist diva Melissa Davlin- Idaho Public Radio and William Spence, fact mangler from of the Lewiston Tribune, would be among the panel members of the “Champions of Civil Discourse” roundtable at the Annual Pundits Forum in Boise. Interesting how these are the same three who routinely “get the breaking gossip news” from the establishment.

See, we love to laugh out loud in Idaho………..


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