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Idaho HB 439 – For Unaffiliated Voters!

It has only passed the House, not the Senate, and Chicken Little has already said he didn’t like it

Idaho HB 439 - For Unaffiliated Voters!

Idaho HB 439 – For Unaffiliated Voters!

by Shari Dovale

It was a few years ago that the Republicans in Boise decided to close their primary to keep out the riff raff, or so they thought.  It was not long before the Democrat Comrades found a way to sneak their votes into the closed primary. Since then, the Republicans have been waving their fists and screaming about how to tighten up their nominating process. 

This year has already become a very contentious race, and the RINO… oops, I mean “Reasonable Republicans” are still screaming, but this time it includes keeping out the Liberty candidates.  They act as if they Constitution-loving citizens are the enemy.

This is where we come to HB 439, a bill to keep unaffiliated voters from voting in their primary. In other words, the Republicans are changing their rules, again. 

Everyone is spending their time trying to get all the unaffiliated voters to register as Republicans by next Friday, the cutoff date for the candidates to file.  But it is not necessary!

Yes, the comrades in Boise have tried to make everyone afraid of HOUSE BILL 439, a bill to force unaffliliated voters to join the Republican party by next week, March 11th, the candidate filing deadline.

This is not true. As confirmed through the clerk’s office in Bonner County, this bill has NOT passed, and has NOT been signed, and there have been NO INSTRUCTIONS to change procedures from Boise or the Secretary of State’s office.

The law has always said that IF you are affiliated with ANY PARTY and wish to change parties, then yes, you must do so by the candidates filing deadline. HOWEVER, if you are not affiliated with any party then you may wait until the day that you vote to do so.

This is the most befuddling piece of legislation for the cabal down in Boise. But it is easily understood by the rest of us. This bill has only passed the House, it has yet to pass the Senate, and then of course it would have to pass muster with Gov. Chicken Little, who has already said he didn’t like it.

If it were to jump through all of those hoops, it would have to do so with enough time to inform the people. The tomfoolary in Boise threw in an emergency clause in their attempt to bypass the short deadline, but it cannot be back dated! This will be hard enough to get through in 2 years. there is no way they will complete it in 5 days!.


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