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In 1492, Columbus Discovered … Reparations

The racial debate between people from different genetic backgrounds will continue.

In 1492 Columbus Discovered Reparations

In 1492, Columbus Discovered … Reparations

By Tim Ravndal

In 1492 three ships that have been encased in history and education are said to be the official discovery of America.  Did the discovery led by Christopher Columbus really happen?  This question continues to raise the question of truth.

President Benjamin Harrison first proclaimed Columbus Day as the initial one-time national celebration in 1892.  In 1937 Congress and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaimed October 12 be a federal holiday under the name Columbus Day.

The holiday is being rejected across the nation based on the belief that Columbus never really set foot on American soil in 1492.  There are claims that millions of people already lived in America when Columbus sailed.

In modern America, there is a continual push for reparations taking center stage in politics.  A trend of class warfare across America continues to make headlines.  A new generation of American citizens are no longer buying into history and are pushing to recognize classes of people in America today that are looking for the recognition for entitlements, or reparations.

Some Native American lawmakers claim that celebrating Columbus is celebrating someone who brutalized and demeaned their people when he came to America more than 500 years ago.

Currently Florida, Hawaii, Alaska, Vermont, South Dakota, New Mexico and Maine no longer recognize Columbus Day and have renamed the holiday “Indigenous People’s Day”, “Discoverers Day”, or “Native American Day”.

In Washington DC, City Councilman David Grosso worked to recognize Columbus Day as “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” for the past 5 years.  The city council voted last Tuesday on an “Emergency Declaration Act of 2019 making that change.  The declaration was passed, but will only be in effect for this year.

Even though Congress has designated ownership and control over Washington DC, the declaration by the city council will not go before Congress.  This lack of jurisdiction is due to the manipulation by the city council under the emergency declaration authority of the city.

Here in Montana, Democratic Representative Shane Morigeau, from Missoula, sponsored HB219 in the 2019 Legislature.

7 Percent of Montana Population

The legislation would change the law in Montana recognizing Columbus Day to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day”. The legislation traveled through the house of representatives and on 3rd reading, the bill was passed with a 62 to 35 margin.

The Legislation however failed to get through the Montana Senate as it was tabled in the Senate Administration Committee chaired by Republican Senator Dee Brown from Senate District 2.  Representative Morigeau promised he would be back with another attempt.

Montana recognizes 7 different Sovereign Nations within the borders of the state.  Under the laws of Montana and under sovereign nation status, the peoples of these separate nations operate under their own government and rule of law.

Montana Senator Scott Sales at one hearing regarding recognizing the rights of the sovereign nations questioned their sovereignty.  The reservations that enjoy sovereign nation status are not required to follow the United States Constitution.

Senator Sales asked if the people of the 7 sovereign nations are not subject to the laws of Montana or the nation, how can they be eligible for benefits provided to the citizens of Montana under the United States Constitution?  This question triggered attacks from many fronts claiming racism.

Helena, Missoula and Bozeman officials have changed the day, to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” The designation in these cities continues to be revered as the path to passing an entitlement agenda for those seeking reparations.

Federal and state support of designating “Opportunity Zones” further sets in motion a path to elevating class warefare through entitlement programs here in Montana.

The racial debate between people from different genetic backgrounds will continue. Elections coming in 2020 across Montana will likely have candidates seeking votes from citizens seeking the expansion of entitlement programs.


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