Drag Queen Story Hour
Celebration of Sin
by Shari Dovale
The American Library Association is sponsoring events around the country aimed at including children into the “Drag” lifestyle. They call these events “Drag Queen Story Hour”.
If these events limited themselves to reading classic stories for children, they might be able to convince me that they are not trying to indoctrinate children into the LGBTQ/Drag lifestyle, but that is not what they are doing.
One such event was held in Spokane Washington on June 15, 2019. This event was protested by the newly formed Christian group “500 Mom Strong”.
Due to the massive amount of (seemingly planned) negative press that the Christian group received by the local main stream media, the Spokane Police Department (SPD) took it upon themselves to ban this select group from all public library grounds during the event.
Additionally, the SPD attempted to bully several members of the press from doing their jobs of documenting the event. When various members of the press, including this journalist, attempted to walk along the sidewalk in front of the library, taking pictures, and documenting the activities of the Drag Queen counter-protesters, SPD threatened them with arrest.
The officers stated that no one they considered to be from the Christian protester group were allowed on their side of the street, even just walking along the sidewalk. When I stepped off of the sidewalk and onto a corner of the lawn, they again tried to bully me into taking only a couple of photos and leaving immediately.
They were not concerned with the civil rights of anyone other than the Drag Queen group, nor were they concerned with the first amendment rights of the reporters covering both sides of the event.
However, there were many folks that attended willing to share with everyone what transpired inside the Library event. Apparently, they did not spend much time actually reading to the children, but mostly had them singing and dancing to a new song called “Drag is Magic”. The entire event with the children took approximately 20 minutes.
There was a meeting of the Spokane Library board held this week in which Scott Herndon tells us, “The Spokane Public Library Board says they can advertise Drag Queen Story Hour but not a Christian story hour since Christianity is a religion.”
There is a petition sponsored by LifeSite and Personhood Alliance to protest the Drag Queen Story Hour. You can find it Here: Sign The Petition
A cross-dressing man is coming to a library near you, to teach your child about “gender fluidity,” and YOU are actually helping to fund him with your state, local and federal tax dollars.
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