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Legislative Update – Rep. Sage G. Dixon

We are nearing the end of the Session, and the Floor Sessions are growing longer.

Legislative Update – Rep. Sage G. Dixon

Rep. Sage G. Dixon – District 1

Legislative Update

Floor Session:

We are nearing the end of the Session, and the Floor Sessions are growing longer. Sometimes we are meeting twice a day in an effort to hear all the proposed legislation.  It looks like next week will be our last, and there is a buzz of anticipation about going home, and which “high profile” bills will be addressed.  I personally was busy carrying three Bills on the House floor, and presenting one in the Senate State Affairs Committee.


aa means ‘as amended’ and aaS means ‘as amended in the Senate.

As usual, a NAY vote is indicated by a “N”

H570-(Education) Local Innovation School Act

H571-(Education) Pupil Service Staff on Career Ladder

H557-(Youth Athlete Concussions) officials shall review concussions and head injuries

H573-(Powers of Parent or Guardian) regarding delegation of powers/nonprofit assistance

H569-(Watershed Improvement Districts) dissolution of districts by county commission

H487-(Agreements Protecting Business Interests) amends presumption of harm

S1318-(Appraisal Management Act) appraisal companies registering with Board               N

S1212-(Emergency Communications Act) Creates Pubic Safety Commission                    N

S1238-(Public Records) authorize inspection and copying of certain records

S1269-(Environmental Quality) create Environmental Trust Fund                                       N

S1260aa-(Animals and the Environment) revise duties of Dept. of Ag. regarding DEQ

H587-(Appropriation) Department of Commerce

H558-(Appropriation) Board of Tax Appeals                                                                         N

H589-(Appropriation) State Tax Commission

H595-(Appropriation) Ground Water Management Areas

HJR5-(Administrative Rules) Constitutional Amendment for Legislative oversight of rules

H362aaS-(Sale of Liquor by the Drink) redefines “person”

H447aaS-(Public Records) protecting Critical Infrastructure

H379aaS-(Education) Computer Science Initiative

H458aaS-(Education) “8 in 6” and Mastery Advancement Program

S1279-(STEM Action Center) STEM Education Fund and related provisions

S1255-(Attorney General) revises duties of AG for investigation of County officers

S1327-(Vulnerable Adults) revise definition of “neglect”

S1352-(Guardians of Minors) regarding termination of a guardianship

S1240-(Irrigation) increases maximum amount of administrative charges                           N

S1421-(Irrigation) clarify purchasing rights of the District

S1278-(Water) canals of conduits for irrigation and power generation

S1304-(Irrigation Districts) regarding construction of hydroelectric plants by District

S1285aa-(Engineers and Surveyors) licenses for engineering faculty in Higher Ed.

S1379-(Appropriations) Building Safety

S1380-(Appropriations) Industrial Commission

S1381-(Appropriations) Department of Insurance

S1272-(School District Bond Credit Enhancement Program) increase aggregate limit

S1293aa-(Education) Parental Rights in Education (I carried this Bill on the Floor)

S1274-(Absentee Voting) revise a certain deadline

S1275-(Absentee Voting)  revise provisions regarding early voting

S1283-(Motor Vehicle Insurance) alternative method for verifying policy data

H598-(Appropriations) Medical Boards                                                                                N

H600-(Appropriations) State Appellate Public Defender

H601-(Appropriations) State Treasurer

S1333-(Education) Broadband Infrastructure Improvement Grant Fund

S1334-(Education) establishes the Education Opportunity Resource Act

S1390-(Appropriations) Idaho State Police                                                                          N

S1391-(Appropriations) Health and Welfare Medicaid                                                         N

S1392-(Appropriations) Idaho Commission for Libraries                                                      N

S1393-(Appropriations) Catastrophic Health Care Program

S1394-(Appropriations) Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired

S1330-(Education) Allows students to self-administer certain medications

S1356-(Alcohol and Beverage Catering Permit) two wineries may share an event permit

S1234-(Administrative Procedure Act) regarding electronic copies

SCR134-Education; supports Board of Education’s goal of 60% by 2020                          N

SCR148-Hecla Mining Company; 125th anniversary

HCR57-Display of Flags

HCR54-Behavioral Health

H452aaS-(Education) regarding transfer of accrued sick leave                                           N

S1323-(Independent Living Council) revise funding mechanism for SILC

S1341aa-(Residential Care or Assisted Living Facilities) violations for applicable law

S1395-(Appropriations) Division of Vocational Rehabilitation                                              N

S1396-(Appropriations) Lieutenant Governor

S1397-(Appropriations) State Controller

SCR136-ESPA Managed Recharge

SCR137-Aquifers; stabilization plan

SCR138-Water; ground water and surface water agreement

H597-(Breweries) amends law for minors in breweries (I carried this Bill on the floor)

H582-(Lands) provides criteria for lands received from Federal Gov’t

HCR55- Fish and Game rule rejection

H580-(Sex Crimes) makes rape terminology gender neutral

HCR53- Hunter, Angler, Trapper Access on State Lands

S1325-(Regulatory Takings) owner can request regulatory takings analysis

S1359-(Farm Implements and Equipment) amends law associated with repurchasing

S1351-(Prisoners) certain prisoners may be required to perform community service

S1361-(Public Defense) money for public defense may come from other funds

S1338-(Public Nuisance Abatements) reinforces Counties ability to demand abatement

(I carried the above Bill on the floor)

S1347aa-(Tax Deed Sales) excess proceeds go to State Treasurer

S1398-(Appropriations) Special Programs                                                                           N

S1399-( Appropriations) Education Board/ Health Education Programs                              N

S1400-(Appropriations) Labor Department                                                                           N

S1401-(Appropriations) Parks and Recreation Department

S1402-(Appropriations) Department of Water Resources

S1403-(Appropriations) Health and Welfare-Child Welfare, etc…

H608-(Appropriations) Supreme Court

H609-(Appropriations) Public Defense Commission

H610-(Appropriations) Financial Management Division

H611-(Appropriations) Governor/Executive Office

H612-(Appropriations) Idaho State Police

S1389-(Concealed Weapons) amends concealed weapons laws and prohibited conduct

Committee Reports:


Although the Session is winding down, the Education Committee is still hearingsage RS’s and new Bills.  This past week we heard Rs’s dealing with Student Mobility, Rural Education Centers, Career Counseling Funding, and Leadership Premiums. The Bills were:

H452aaS-Sick leave transfer

S1330-Policy Governing Medications

S1376-Public Charter Schools

S1332-Industry Partner Fund

S1342-Public School, use of religious texts

H603-Student Mobility(an RS earlier in the week)

Transportation & Defense:

The only piece of business that our Committee did this week was to hear the sageSenate’s amendments to the amended REAL ID Act Bill.  The Senate watered down even further the attempt to protect Idaho citizens privacy, but we concurred with the amendments and passed it along to the House floor.


We heard one Senate Bill (S1359) regarding Farm Implements. This Bill sageamended the ability for rental or demonstration equipment to be resold within 36 months if certain criteria were met.

I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns, and I am grateful for the opportunity to represent District 1 in The Idaho House of Representatives.

Lord Bless,

Sage G. Dixon

Rep Sage G. Dixon

District 1

Bonner and Boundary Counties


  • Education
  • Business
  • Transportation & Defense

P.O. Box 208 Ponderay, Idaho 83864 208.610.4800

State Capitol  |  P.O. Box 83720  |  Boise, Idaho 83720-0081  |  (208) 332-1044