Asia Williams – Candidate for Bonner County Commissioner District 2
Vote Asia Williams
Constitutional, Liberty Minded Conservative Christian
District 2 County Commissioner
My family transplanted in North Idaho to build a homestead in Blanchard Idaho over a decade ago. We came with an understanding of the value of rural living. We transplanted with a mind, a heart and a desire to assimilate into the culture wholeheartedly.
I have used my professional and educational background in Business, Nursing and leadership throughout the community. Many in the public have witnessed me speak on various topics such as:
- Opposition to critical race theory and Juneteenth
- Advocating for compliance with Zoning and planning,
- Advocating for civil liberties
- Advocating for medical freedom
- Working within the community for the betterment of the community
- Encouraging elected officials to make educated and informed decisions
I have applied my skills to many different lines of business to include the timber industry, a vital industry in North Idaho. I have worked to adjudicate claims, mitigate loss, and develop plans of action for risk reduction, while maintaining compliance with regulations.
Through my insights, education and successful outcomes, many clients, to include Georgia Pacific, recognized my contributions to improving the overall function of their businesses. This includes recognition from Washington’s Secretary of State for improving the functions of state government.
My education in business, nursing and leadership combined with honesty, integrity and critical thinking will serve as assets to the function of Bonner County Business.
I am a proven leader; I make decisions based on evidence. I am not afraid to make a decision. I will never allow someone to drown out the sound of my voice, the voice of the people. I understand that as an elected official, I will represent the people as a public servant. I am a proactive and active leader and not a follower. I am a constitutional, liberty minded, conservative republican. I am the change; I am the leader that District 2 needs and I Want your Vote
Asia Williams, SSBB, LPN, MBA
Treasurer Kathy Nash
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Asia will make a great Commissioner – she has our votes!