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Ammon Bundy – to the Media and Jurors

Blame media

Ammon Bundy Appeals to the Media and the Jurors

I am asking for any and all media outlets to contact me if you are willing to conduct an interview where I share some important court documents. Documents that were withheld from both the original Grand jury as well as the first jury who convicted Greg Burleson and Todd Engel in the case of the USA VS Cliven Bundy et al. Also, testimony that was willfully altered and manipulated by the US Prosecutors to make something appear different than the facts.

If you are interested in this information and concerned about preserving the integrity of our justice system then contact me so we can have full transparency and expose the egregious misconduct of both BLM agents and the US Prosecutors in this case. This information reveals the direct attempt by the Prosecutors to mislead the jury and put good men away for the rest of their lives because of political motives, not crimes. If we allow such overt acts of willful prosecutorial misconduct to go uncorrected, we will lose the trust we have in both the Grand Jury to indict and the trial jury to judge the evidence and conclude with a just verdict. How can the jury make a fair and just decision if exculpatory evidence was with held from them or the prosecutors were allowed to willfully misrepresent the facts? I plead with the American people to help get this message to the jurors so we can attempt to right the wrongs committed against our fellow Americans.

For all media, please email me at to set up an interview. For all jurors on the Grand jury or in the first Nevada trial that convicted Mr Burleson and Mr Engle, please email me and we will have a private meeting where the evidence the courts refused to let you see and the prosecutors willfully altered, withheld and manipulated can be presented to you.

I look forward to hearing from you,
Ammon Bundy

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