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Sen. Jim Woodward Votes With Democrats Against Parental Rights

Woodward has become a leftist snowflake unworthy of holding office in conservative North Idaho

Sen. Jim Woodward Votes With Democrats

Sen. Jim Woodward Votes With Democrats
Against Parental Rights

by Shari Dovale

Idaho Parental Freedom in Education Act was presented to the Senate Education committee last week, by Branden Durst, a former legislator and Senate Education member.

The bill was proposed by Durst and Sen. Christy Zito, R-Hammett, and would have allowed parents to review all documents pertaining to their child’s education and visit their child’s schools and classrooms. It also gave decision making to parents concerning medical devices, such as masks.

Presented in this committee, it was strictly a formality to request the bill to be printed, and not a debate on the merits of the bill. That discussion cannot happen until the bill is printed.

However, the bill will not go forward and therefore will not receive a public debate on the merits, because the motion to print was voted down by a 4-4 vote.

Sen. Jim Woodward, R-Sagle, voted against having a public discussion of parental rights when he voted against printing this bill. It would seem like Woodward is either against parental rights in general, or specifically against having any conversation about this particular bill.

As the majority of his constituents want to, at least, be able to talk about their concerns and have the discussion on bills that look out for their rights, it would seem very disingenuous of Sen. Woodward to – again – ignore the people he wants to reelect him.

As we pointed out previously, he has completely disconnected from the citizens in his district, as we saw when he was asked if whether or not his actions had helped, or hurt, his constituents, “Are the people better off today than they were a year ago?”

Woodward’s answer was typical of the “Reasonable Republican” answer, saying that HE was better off, and that was enough.

Sen. Woodward and his good friend and campaign comrade Rep. Sage Dixon are part of a growing list of “Reasonable Republicans,” commonly referred to as RINOs. They want to “compromise” with the Radical Left instead of listening to their conservative base. They want to shut down anything they feel is controversial, like challenging the Federal mandates, and just “go along to get along.”

This was recently highlighted in Bonners Ferry, Idaho when the City Council pointed out that Rep. Sage Dixon advised them to accept ARPA money. Dixon did this knowing that his constituents understand the consequences of receiving the Federal ARPA money:

Bonners Ferry Special Meeting RE: ARPA Funds

Woodward, Dixon, and their leftist cronies, are afraid to be linked to true conservatives, as their donations from corporations, like those within Big Pharma, would dry up and their chances of reelection would correspondingly shrink as well.

Instead, they push leftist propaganda about their conservative colleagues, as well as conspiracy theories. They use political tricks to sabotage their opponents campaigns, and use the media to reverse the narratives off of their failures.

You will see more on this bill, and the propaganda narrative change from Sen. Woodward. He does not want anyone to remember his terrible vote against this bill, and would prefer everyone to think of him as a political victim. In other words, he has become a leftist snowflake unworthy of holding office in conservative North Idaho.


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Related:  Behind the Push for Mandatory Vaccines

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