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Which KCSO Deputies Broke the Law?

The deputies were allowed to place themselves above the law

Which KCSO Deputies Broke the Law?

Which KCSO Deputies Broke the Law?

by Shari Dovale

We recently reported on the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) placing themselves above the law.

During the Covid 19(84) lockdown, they were among the most willing of the storm troopers enforcing Gov. Brad (Chicken) Little’s illegal lockdowns. They were happy to harass a young mother holding a yard sale, or a group of teenagers that were not “social distancing”.

Yet, during the time they were checking on all businesses to force compliance, the deputies at the Kootenai County Sheriff’s office were planning on how to break the law themselves.

These deputies, with the approval of Sheriff Ben Wolfinger and Undersheriff Dan Mattos, the deputies were allowed to place themselves above the law and arrange for haircuts for themselves, all while they told the barbers and cosmetologists of the county that they could not earn a living.

These haircuts were paid for by the Kootenai County Deputy Sheriff’s Association and performed on County property. County property is paid for by the taxpayers.

Some of the deputies questioned the legality of these haircuts:

It even seems as if some of the deputies took these laws to heart and did not get their free haircuts. But which ones did not care? Which employees placed themselves above their citizens and took advantage of this lawbreaking?

We have obtained an appointment schedule for these deputies on the given day, with 38 names listed out of 56 spots available.

Take note of the elite of the county.


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