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Propaganda, Indoctrination, And Demonetization

 The youth of America are now being indoctrinated into a godless degenerate culture

Propaganda, Indoctrination, And Demonetization

Propaganda, Indoctrination, And Demonetization

By Pete Ketcham

Propaganda, indoctrination, and demonetization were the three main issues that Hitler and the Nazis used to induce the German people to follow him and the Nazi Party into  the slaughter almost six million fellow Jewish citizens and a lost war that destroyed much of Germany

A short definition of these issues is as follows:

Propaganda; Information of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.

Indoctrination; Cause to accept a set of beliefs uncritically through repeated instruction.

Demonetization; To portray as wicked and threatening.

Hitler and the Nazi Party had total control of the entire news and media spectrum composed of the newspapers, movies, books, posters, and the entire education system. All were used to indoctrinate the public, demonize all their enemies, both domestic and foreign, and disseminate propaganda.

Today the Democrat party has evolved from a legitimate American political party into a totally corrupt and perverse organization, whose mission is to destroy the Christian based constitutional form of government that had guided this nation for the last 240 years. In this process they are using the same tactics the Nazis used.

The Democrats have control of the entire liberal news media such as NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and other lesser ones. All these entities are mascarading as objective news outlets, but in reality are propaganda agencies of the Democrat Party.

The huge American audience that watch and listen to these liberal media outlets believe they are hearing factual news, but in reality they are being propagandized and misled.

The Democrat Party controls the entire education spectrum, (from K-12 to to graduate school) including the teachers unions.  The youth of America are now being indoctrinated into a godless degenerate culture that hates the American constitutional heritage, promotes race hatred between the black and white races by CRT, and promotes the sexually depraved LGBTQ+ lifestyle.

No matter what incident occurs between a conservative and a liberal, or between a white and a black individual, the white conservative is always demonized as a raciest and a bigot. The same demonetization happens when there is an incident between a Christian and a LGBTQ+ individual, the Christian is labeled as a homophobe and bigot. This same type of demonetization extends into the political arena where most Democrat candidates will use every opportunity to demonize their Republican opponent with nonfactual statements, and in the case of Trump, Democrats have demonstrated their demonetization can reach a point where it becomes a raw insane hatred.

As a final note of comparison between the Nazi and Democrat parties. The Nazi Party declared the Jew was unworthy of life, and slaughtered millions of them, and so it is with the Democrat Party as they slaughter millions of unborn babies, snuffing out the beginning of a God given life they deem as unworthy and disruptive to the mother’s lifestyle.



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