Washington State House DOXXing Law Enforcement
by Shari Dovale
In the ongoing saga of the Left’s unceasing hit job on the people of Washington, the House Representative‘s have done the unthinkable, they have released private information for law enforcement officers (LEO).
If you are going through the massively expensive Democrat Oppositional Research from the Marxist Rampart Group, scroll down until you see Finding #5. Keep in mind that they need to back up they statements with verified facts, in this case it is footnoted with #24.
As you can see, this footnote is referring to the document “The Apparatus of Repression”, which the Washington House admits is Law Enforcement sensitive.
The Report tells you that Rep. Shea sent out this document in an email to a small group, and this was considered “Doxxing” the LEO officers, or publishing their private information to the public.
Rep. Shea released a statement about the accusations, in which he says, “I never released this document nor was it ever, to my knowledge, disclosed publicly online by any of the recipients. The claim I “doxxed” law enforcement is completely false and those making that claim are flat out lying.”
Another member of that email group spoke with me and stated, “Our sharing of this document was among a group that largely still held military and Federal security clearances. We took extreme precautions to insure that it was not made public.”
The problem is that no one can find any public posting of this document by Rep. Shea, or any member of that email thread. BUT, we can find it published by the Washington House of Representatives!
Yes, this document was posted UNREDACTED (As item 7c) for over 24 hours on the House website: http://leg.wa.gov/house/InvestigationReport/Pages/default.aspx
After what are likely multiple downloads later, they pulled that version and replaced it with a redacted copy. Redoubt News has a copy of the unredacted version provided by the House in Olympia.
So, if we are to take the word of the Washington Democrats, and their cohorts in the Republican party, including the “Executive Rules Committee”, ie: Mr. John Lovick, Mr. Pat Sullivan, Mr. Eric Pettigrew, Mr. J.T. Wilcox, Mr. Joel Kretz and Ms. Laurie Jinkins. then we should call this breach an act deserving of removal from the House. They have all called for the voluntary resignation of Rep Matt Shea.
We now ask these same people to stand up and show that they truly believe what they say, and voluntarily resign their positions, as they were responsible for the actual Doxxing of these law enforcement officers. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Our elected Reps would not allow themselves to be looked upon as hypocrites, would they?
Rep. Matt Shea full statement on this egregious breach:
I condemn in the strongest possible terms the publication of sensitive information regarding law enforcement officers and agents.
Unfortunately, on January 28th, the Speaker of the House did just that when she approved of the release of published source material from the investigation – material she withheld from my attorney and me for two months. This document dump released to the media and the entire state of Washington recklessly included an un-redacted document created by a 3rd party containing sensitive law enforcement information. It was left up on the House website for almost 24 hours. This document was part of a private and encrypted message (as attorneys often use) sent to a small group of people for the very lawful purpose of verifying and confirming legitimate contacts during the Malhuer trial. Exhibit 7B proves this conclusively.
I never released this document nor was it ever, to my knowledge, disclosed publicly online by any of the recipients. The claim I “doxxed” law enforcement is completely false and those making that claim are flat out lying.
However, in her haste to smear me, the Speaker of the House actually did what she falsely accused me of doing – publishing online the very sensitive law enforcement information contained in the document.
It is critical that the House pause and reflect on the wreckage caused by this careless and dishonest investigation. The people of our State, and those who serve in law enforcement, deserve better.
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