WBCSD Accountability
WBCSD Accountability We all care about the children in our WBCSD community and want the best education for them. Property owners who live here would like to see their tax money for local schools be [Read More]
WBCSD Accountability We all care about the children in our WBCSD community and want the best education for them. Property owners who live here would like to see their tax money for local schools be [Read More]
Thank You Trustees Troy Reinbold And Kathy Nash! WBCSD trustee position is a volunteer position with no money attached. Their meetings are long and draining. The last one went from 6-10 pm. Kudos for our [Read More]
Four Horrendous Facts from the Forensic Audit of WBCSD 1. Phase 1 found 1,343 Checks with no vendor names listed in the general ledger. That amounts to $8,305,032.95! We don’t know who/where $8.3Million went! 2. [Read More]
WBCSD, Another Levy? The subject of another levy came up at last week’s West Bonner school board meeting, February 6th. Prior to this, in the same meeting, the ongoing forensic audit was discussed to include [Read More]
WBCSD – Finish the Forensic Audit As a taxpayer in the district, I am convinced all phases of the Forensic Audit must be completed. Some people say the discrepancies found by the auditor seem minor [Read More]
Forensic Audit of WBCSD If you haven’t been to the WBCSD meetings lately, you’re missing the truth about the Forensic Audit. Phase 1 results show our financials are a mess! There are lots of undocumented [Read More]
Did You Know? Did you Know? Jackie Branum was told that the district Business Manager (now former) did not have the “skill set” for her job and she should consider releasing her. But, a “trusted” [Read More]
Protecting Children and Bringing Fiscal Accountability Troy Reinbold has faithfully served as a WBCSD Board Trustee for the past 4 years. He was the only Board Trustee during the ‘COVID pandemic’ who voted against forcing [Read More]
The Status Quo is NOT Good Enough Two different types of candidates are running for WBCSD Board Trustees Zones 1 and 5. On one hand we have current board trustees running who voted for a [Read More]
Troy Doesn’t Say Much, But You Better Listen Having attended school board meetings for at least 10 years, I want to commend Troy Reinbold on his regular attendance, despite the fact he works up to [Read More]
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