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Jim Woodward vs. Scott Herndon

Jim Woodward vs. Scott Herndon 

April 29, 2022 1

As part of a private high school civics class comprised of students in the 7th through 12th grade levels, students were asked to write opinion editorials on topics of their own choosing which reflect current [Read More]

Bonners Ferry Special Meeting RE: ARPA Funds
Agenda 21/2030

Bonners Ferry Special Meeting RE: ARPA Funds

January 25, 2022 2

Bonners Ferry Special Meeting RE: ARPA Funds TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES By Donna Capurso, Patriot Journalist The Bonners Ferry City Council is blatantly ignoring the citizens as to the issues involved by using ARPA (the American [Read More]

Agenda 21/2030

You Will Get Vaccinated!

November 10, 2021 0

You Will Get Vaccinated! by Karen Schumacher On November 15, 2021 the Idaho House of Representatives will reconvene to discuss the federal government Covid-19 vaccine mandate which is now temporarily blocked by a federal appeals [Read More]

vaccine police state mandate

Coming Mandate Disaster

October 19, 2021 0

Coming Mandate Disaster by Pete Ketcham Each and ever major policy decision of the Biden administration invariably turns out to be a disaster for the American people. It is very possible that the coming repercussions [Read More]

Covid 1984

The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion?

October 13, 2021 0

The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion? by Ron Paul The incredible cruelty and folly of forced vaccines finally came home to roost. The vaccine mandate backlash has been bubbling just under the surface, but now it [Read More]