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Suggestions For Legislators
Bob Shillingstad

Suggestions For Legislators

January 26, 2023 0

Suggestions For Legislators My Thoughts On Legislation By Bob Shillingstad The Idaho legislature has no lack of suggestions and ideas for new laws! There are plenty of high paid lobbyists who are armed with already written [Read More]

Boundary County Commissioners
Agenda 21/2030

Boundary County Commissioners Are In A Pickle

December 3, 2021 0

Boundary County Commissioners Are In A Pickle By Robert Vickaryous Notice to Boundary County residents: Boundary County commissioners are in a pickle. They took $1.1 million from the feds by way of American Recovery Plan [Read More]

ARPA, The Great Reset Is Local
Agenda 21/2030

The Great Reset Is Local

October 29, 2021 1

The Great Reset Is Local by Karen Schumacher The World Economic Forum Great Reset Initiative is a global tyrannical plan being forced upon the world to enact its 4th Industrial Revolution (4thIR), primarily change the [Read More]

Is A Second Tea Party Possible?

Is A Second Tea Party Possible?

March 15, 2021 1

Is A Second Tea Party Possible? by Pete Ketcham Years past the Tea Party movement provided a local conservative public forum for  people, who in some cases were motivated to run for office, testify at [Read More]


Whence Come Our Rights?

April 18, 2018 2

Whence Come Our Rights? Editorial by Karl C. Gaiser The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is currently facing heavy scrutiny. This is due to current events and the narrative pushed by the mainstream [Read More]

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