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It’s Raining Money In Idaho

April 15, 2023 1

It’s Raining Money In Idaho FY24 sees the biggest state government spending increase in 22 years by Fred Birnbaum In fiscal year 2020 (FY20), the total appropriation (including federal money) for Idaho’s state government was [Read More]

Idaho Lawmakers Gas Tax Hike This Year

Idaho Lawmakers Gas Tax Hike This Year

February 26, 2021 0

Idaho Lawmakers Gas Tax Hike This Year By Wayne Hoffman It’s hard to believe this, but several lawmakers have confirmed for me that there’s a plan to raise gas taxes on Idahoans during this legislative [Read More]

Local Government Lacks Transparency And Accountability
Broadwater County

Local Govt Lacks Transparency And Accountability

March 24, 2019 0

Local Govt Lacks Transparency And Accountability By Tim Ravndal For multiple years citizens have been seeking transparency and accountability. Multiple counties across the state of Montana have raised concerns including voter fraud and other actions [Read More]

Montana Fishing For Taxes
Legislative Updates

Montana Legislature Fishing For Taxes

March 20, 2019 0

Montana Legislature Fishing For Taxes By Tim Ravndal The Montana Legislature is working towards increasing taxes from many different angles.  Funding of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, along with conservation measures being sought to control [Read More]

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