Facts Matter in WBCSD Recall
Facts Matter in WBCSD Recall For 40+ years I worked for different employers. To get paid I had to perform because in America, employers have a right to get what they pay for. The Recall [Read More]
Facts Matter in WBCSD Recall For 40+ years I worked for different employers. To get paid I had to perform because in America, employers have a right to get what they pay for. The Recall [Read More]
Truth About Two Controversial Questions 1. Why Recall two school trustees that are: shielding our students from SEL (Social Emotional Learning) the sly gateway to CRT (Critical Race Theory, which is illegal in Idaho) demanding [Read More]
The Cancel Culture Is Alive And Well at the West Bonner County School District As a resident and taxpayer living in zone 4 of the WBCSD, I voted for Keith Rutledge, who won the race [Read More]
Vote Against The Recall Townhall! Stand for QUALITY and ACCOUNTABILITY in SD#83 Keep the board CONSERVATIVE Vote AGAINST the leftist-backed recall Zone 2 : Vote For Susan Brown Vote AGAINST the recall of Susan Brown [Read More]
School District Finds Over $1 Million ‘Spare’ Money by Bret Roush These issues bring back memories: my daughter protesting a levy and being threatened, by students encouraged by a teacher. If we don’t pass the [Read More]
As part of a homeschool civics class comprised of students in the 7th through 10th grade levels, students were asked to write opinion editorials on topics of their own choosing which reflect current themes in [Read More]
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