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Big Tech

CALL TO ACTION: Help Redoubt News

February 11, 2023 1

CALL TO ACTION: Help Redoubt News Congress can talk all they want about trying to rein in Big Tech, but we here at Redoubt News can tell you that Big Tech is still winning. We [Read More]

Facebook Is Politicizing the CoronaVirus

Facebook Is Politicizing the Coronavirus

March 18, 2020 0

Facebook Is Politicizing the Coronavirus by Shari Dovale Check the headlines on any site you want. Nearly all stories will be about the Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19. Every news site is trying to come [Read More]


Is Social Media Shadow Banning Conservatives?

July 28, 2018 0

Is Social Media Shadow Banning Conservatives? by Shari Dovale The headlines this week were filled with reports of “Shadow Banning” by the technology gurus in Silicon Valley. Not only are they shutting down conservative news, [Read More]