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Agenda 21/2030

Youth Mental Health As An Investment

January 21, 2023 0

Youth Mental Health As An Investment by Karen Schumacher Mental health problems in youth were rarely heard of during the 1950’s and 60’s.  There was no rash of suicides plaguing families, kids cutting on their [Read More]

The Fairy Tale of Big PhRMA

The Fairy Tale of Big PhRMA

April 29, 2022 0

The Fairy Tale of Big PhRMA by Shari Dovale Once upon a time, the voters were told that Lobbying was not bad, Big PhRMA does wonderful things and taking money from lobbyists does not mean [Read More]

Covid-19 Vaccine: Engineered & Synthesized
Covid 1984

Covid-19 Vaccine: Engineered & Synthesized

December 5, 2021 4

Covid-19 Vaccine: Engineered & Synthesized by Karen Schumacher Vaccine technology has dramatically shifted from the manipulation of a virus to foster immunity, to now what is called gene therapy.  Much concern has been expressed about [Read More]

CDC Changes the Definition of Vaccines
Covid 1984

CDC Changes the Definition of Vaccines

September 25, 2021 1

CDC Changes the Definition of Vaccines by Dr. Joseph Mercola   Story at-a-glance In a surreptitious move to support the vaccine narrative, the CDC quietly changed the over 20-year definition of a vaccine, so it [Read More]

Covid 1984

The Medical Field’s Immoral War on Children

July 15, 2021 0

The Medical Field’s Immoral War on Children by Daniel Horowitz Wanted: A Pediatrician Who Actually Believes In Science And Not Child Abuse My children are months overdue for their checkups because they are distraught about [Read More]

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