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Political Uncertainty

July 28, 2024 1

Political Uncertainty By Pete Ketcham No one knows for certain what the Democrat Party is going to do (since Biden dropped out) as it moves closer to officially nominating it’s 2024 presidential candidate at the [Read More]

America Democrats are Becoming Irrelevant

The Movement Destroying America

July 24, 2024 1

The Movement Destroying America By Pete Ketcham Many conservatives believe that our nation is becoming a socialist, communist, Marxist nation, but in reality that is not what is really happening. Our nation is being destroyed [Read More]


Democrats Are Not Socialists

January 27, 2024 2

Democrats Are Not Socialists They Are Destroyers By Pete Ketcham Many of us have been led to believe that we are fighting against a political party that wants to change the US into a socialist [Read More]


The Coming Crises

December 28, 2023 0

The Coming Crises (No One Is Predicting) By Pete Ketcham Most people are aware of the ongoing southern border crises (except Joe Biden), and are hoping there is a solution soon, but many people do [Read More]

Bob Shillingstad

Knowing The Time We Are Living In

September 29, 2023 0

Knowing The Time We Are Living In By Bob Shillingstad Do you ever go to bed at night and think that the world is nuts? Do you ever wonder why is this happening? The Bible [Read More]

Big Government

Where Will It All End?

September 16, 2023 3

Where Will It All End? By Pete Ketcham It is evident today that there is a growing national abandonment of the Godly biblical principles that the nation formerly honored. In light of this growing situation [Read More]

Pete Ketcham

The Homeless Population

August 30, 2023 2

The Homeless Population (Will Continue To Grow) By Pete Ketcham All the “creative” efforts and programs various Democrat controlled cities have enacted to decrease their homeless population have failed due to primarily one issue….DRUGS. Although [Read More]


Welcome To America, World

May 24, 2023 0

Welcome To America, World By Pete Ketcham Nowhere in recent world history has a nation willingly without cause opened up it’s border to an invasion. To do so defies all logic and reason, but the [Read More]


A Waiting Game? China & Russian Strategy

May 4, 2023 1

A Waiting Game? China & Russian Strategy By Pete Ketcham One must wonder if the major enemies of this nation such as Russia, China, N Korea, and Iran are playing a “waiting game” before they [Read More]

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