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Woe To Those Who Are Not Prepared
Agenda 21/2030

Woe To Those Who Are Not Prepared

January 23, 2023 1

Woe To Those Who Are Not Prepared by Shari Dovale This country has been taken over by the Deep State. Not recently mind you. This has been years, actually decades in the making. Everything significant [Read More]

Agenda 21/2030

Are Lucky Charms Healthier Than Eggs?

July 27, 2022 0

Are Lucky Charms Healthier Than Eggs? by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story At-A-Glance The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy’s Food Compass, unveiled in late 2021, is another Great Reset tool designed to discourage consumption [Read More]

Black Lives Matter Issues 5 Demands
Agenda 21/2030

Black Lives Matter Issues 5 Demands

June 6, 2020 11

Black Lives Matter Issues 5 Demands by Shari Dovale We have watched the riots being instigated by the Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs throughout the country. Knowing they are all about the destruction of [Read More]


Desensitizing the World on Globalization

June 28, 2016 0

Desensitizing the World Public on Globalization By Shari Dovale There have been many rumors about the UN, and other Globalization progressives, pushing for additional steps towards forming the New World Order. Progressives and Socialists have [Read More]