America, The World Leader
America, The World Leader ( In Illogical And Degenerate Issues) By Pete Ketcham There was a time, just after WW2 when the United states was looked upon as the true world leader in military strength, economic [Read More]
America, The World Leader ( In Illogical And Degenerate Issues) By Pete Ketcham There was a time, just after WW2 when the United states was looked upon as the true world leader in military strength, economic [Read More]
Ruled By Corruption & Idiocies by Pete Ketcham Based on what we are experiencing in our nation today, it has become clearly evident that the Democrat party is controlled by corrupt individuals that have abandoned [Read More]
Make America Good Again, Part 2 by Pete Ketcham Our nation is now suffering the effects of Illogical legislation, riots, mass shootings, degenerate sexual practices, stolen elections, homelessness, child abuse, open border, abortions, pornography, and [Read More]
Inexhaustible Supply by Pete Ketcham There is an inexhaustible supply of millions of new liberal/socialist/Marxist/godless citizens entering our national society every year. These individuals through the years have moved up into positions of influence and [Read More]
Nation Is Headed For A Moral Collapse by Pete Ketcham Today as we all focus on the current national political battles, the morals of our nation are plunging at an accelerating rate never before seen. [Read More]
Good vs Evil, Truth vs Lies, Reality vs Delusion by Pete Ketcham We constantly wonder what has happened in this nation, to make the godless liberal left act in such an illogical, destructive, and hateful [Read More]
Are We Headed to a Second “Final Resolution”? by Pete Ketcham History is replete with violent revolutions, uprisings, and anarchy when the political divide between a country’s people is so great, they are no longer [Read More]
Dealing With Insanity, Stupidity, And Evil By Pete Ketcham All of us, on a daily basis, are amazed by the actions and statements of the godless progressive left. We wonder, are these people insane, completely [Read More]
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