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Letters to the Editor

Control the Food, Control the People

April 11, 2023 1

Control the Food, Control the People In 1979 Hoof Rot was discovered in southwest Washington. The fatal infection of Elk has expanded to Oregon, California, and Idaho. In 1995 exotic Eurasian lice caused outbreaks of [Read More]

Joe Biden’s Bid to Remake America

Joe Biden’s Bid to Remake America

April 3, 2021 0

Joe Biden’s Bid to Remake America by Patrick J. Buchanan If Joe Biden’s American Jobs Program, outlined in Pittsburgh, is enacted, then the federal government will take a great leap forward toward irreversible control of [Read More]

Digital Currency & Economic Transformation
Agenda 21/2030

Digital Currency & Economic Transformation

March 27, 2021 0

Digital Currency & Economic Transformation by Karen Schumacher Perhaps many Americans really don’t understand how the U.S. or even the world economy works.  However, most do recognize the massive explosion of debt the U.S. is [Read More]

Boyd Evan White

Let’s Have Some Fun With Money

November 28, 2020 0

Let’s Have Some Fun With Money Editorial by Boyd Evan White This is going to be an extreme stretch of the imagination; however, stick all the way to the end because there is an important [Read More]